Chapter 11

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[Minty's P.O.V]

Ed and I spent awhile on treating Yukie. I was using up a lot of magic but I didn't care. I only cared about us getting Yukie ok. After about an hour,I fell to the floor on my butt after a loud but cute sneeze, I sounded like a kitten for once.

"You okay, Mint?" Ed asked as he finished up on treating Yukie.

"We'll see in the morning. The effects of using too much magic is random." I said with a yawn & rubbed my eyes. I could tell it was cute from the Aww I got from Ed.

"Go rest." He said while patting my head. I stuffed a vial that I got of the black goo before it was gone into his pocket,then sneezed again as I got up.

"So far,normal effects...." I mumbled as I staggered to my room like a drunk person while dragging my staff behind me. Once there, I dropped all my stuff & fell face first onto my bed.

"Need the medicine yet?" Midnight asked me. I rolled onto my back while hugging my panda plush named Lloyd & looked at him.

"In the morning we'll have to see. Different effects require different medicines remember..?" I yawned as if I've talked to him before about this, of course I have but that was long before I found out my ghost cat could talk!

"Rest then." Midnight mumbled before dragging the blankets on me. I pulled him to me & cuddled him with my panda plush. Before I fell asleep. I caught a glimpse of Ed at my door, peeking in to check on me.

"Get better, okay Minty? We have a lot to repair tomorrow." he said before leaving. I yawned a cute ok then went to sleep. I slept for a few hours, well, it seemed like a few hours, before I woke to the smell of breakfast. I got up, put on the beanie Yukie gave me & walked to the kitchen. The dome looked a lot bigger than usual though,probably a side effect from yesterday, since I got my little cold from using too much magic. I didn't see any other effects.

Till I got to the kitchen, that is.

"Morning." I yawned as I struggled to get on a chair.

"Morn- what happened to you?!" Ed said as he dropped the plastic plate, that was, for sure, mine, due to the color. I looked at him confused till he picked me up & stood me in front of the mirror in my room.

"I'm a kid again!" I squealed making Ed look shocked.

"Is this ...... a good thing?" he asked confused. I giggled & jumped around for a bit before sitting on the floor, dizzy.

"Whenever I use up too much magic in a day or too much of it on a single thing, I get sick & the effects are random each time. The sickness lasts one full day but the side effects last no longer than a week. Sadly, I have never been able to perfect the medicine for this effect...." I said before he picked me up & carried me back to the kitchen.

"Is it ok to call you short now?" he chuckled out as he set me on the chair I was on earlier. I puffed up my cheeks & whined.

"NO! Im super fun sized now!" I shouted, I would have shouted more if he hadn't shoved bread into my mouth. If I wasn't so hungry, I would have hissed at him before I began to eat it.

"So, we got you being sick & Yukie still in bed. She seems a bit better than last night." Ed said as he sat down & began to eat the breakfast sandwich he made. I stared at him while eating.

"Fixed anything after yesterday?" I asked while eating my bread. He nodded & smiled.

"Fixed almost everything, still have your farm to fix." he said as my eyes sparkled.

"I'll fix my farm and you make me this!" I said as I shoved a book into his arms. He stared at me confused as he flipped through the pages, fixing his glasses.

"Is this your spell book?!" he asked intrigued. I giggled & stuck out my tongue.

"Nope, just the book with the recipes for all medicines for the effects I get when I use up too much magic." I shouted as I ran to where my farm, well what's left of it, was.

"Which one do I make?" Ed asked confused, looking at the mass of pages.

"You can read can't you?" I shouted with a huff.

"Yeah but can't you tell me the page?" he asked.

"No!" I shouted. "Why do you always make it so easy?" He said, smiling jokingly.

"Now do it before I steal all your sandwiches & never let you eat them again!" I shouted before resuming making my farm again.

"ON IT!" Ed shouted. I laughed knowing my threat worked, that man & his sandwiches I swear. After I made my farm again,I ran to check on Yukie.

"If you can hear me Yukie, please get better! Im wearing the beanie you gave me,I love it, a bit big but thats because Im a kid again. I used up a lot of magic to help save you, you're welcome."

I said before hugging her & running off. I ran outside the dome & played in the sand waiting for Ed to finish the medicine. After awhile, I fell asleep in a sand castle I made. I slightly woke up when Ed carried me inside.

"Next time, tell me you went outside, INTO a sand castle before I freak out." I heard him say before I slipped into a deep sleep.

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