~ A Matter of Time ~

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^ was listening to How to Save a Life by The Fray while writing this chapter.

• 3rd Person POV •

Hermione was in the hospital wing when Dumbledore sent his Patronus informing her to come to his office along with his password Cauldron Cakes. She was curious as to why he wanted to speak with her. As she made her way to his office she witnessed the carnage that the battle had brought. All of the bodies lined up lying lifeless on the ground, friends, and families crying at the loss of loved ones and debris everywhere. Finally, she made it to the Griffin statue guarding the entrance to the headmaster's office. "Cauldron Cakes" having said the password the Griffin moved aside to allow her to pass.

Hermione smiled slightly at the little bit of consistency Dumbledore's sweet-themed passwords brought that is until she remembered the loss of Potions Master Severus Snape her smile fell instantly at that thought. After walking up the stairs she knocked on the heavy oak door. "Enter" upon hearing that she slowly opened the door.

• Hermione's POV •

"Hello Headmaster"

"Hello Miss. Granger. Please take a seat".

I made my way over to the chair across from Dumbledore and sat down looking at him with a curious and expectant look on my face. He chuckles a tiny bit and begins to speak.

"Straight to businesses as usual Miss. Granger. We shall get started then I have a proposition for you".

A proposition? I wonder what this is about? "What kind of proposition Headmaster?"

"Well Miss Granger as you know a vast majority of the population in the wizarding world has been wiped out and it is only a matter of time until the ministry does something about that. Something that won't be fair to anyone. My proposition is that you go back in time and stop the war before too many lives are lost".

Stunned I sit back in the chair. Go back in time? How far would I be going back? Would I be able to come back? Almost as though he was reading my mind Dumbledore continues to speak. "I have altered a standard time turner to be able to go back as far as we need it to but you won't be able to come back to this time. You will be stuck at that time."

"and what time is that headmaster?"

"September 1st, 1971. You would start as a first year with Severus Snape, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew. So do you agree?"

"Of course I agree. I don't want any of my friends to know the suffering we have been subjected to. I do have one question though how in the name of Merlin will I become a first year?"

"Well, you see Miss. Granger before Severus died I had him brew a complex a De-aging potion. It will just make it so you are 12 again. You will remember everything and you will still have your scars but just look 11. Once you reach the age you are now, it will wear off and you will age normally after that."

"When? When will we do it?"

"as soon as you pack your things."

"I already have all of my things," I said gently patting my small beaded bag that has an undetectable extension charm on it. "I just need Crookshanks."

"ah yes, I believe Minerva is retrieving him as we speak." just as he said that Professor McGonagall walked through the door with my cat in her arms. She walked over to me and handed him over with a slight smile on her face. She hugged me and said "Good luck Miss. Granger"

"Thank you, professor".

Dumbledore then got up grabbed some things out of his desk and walked over to me first he placed the time turner around my neck.

"you will have to turn it 28 times as that is how many years you are going back and it will automatically take you to September 1st of that year." he then handed me two letters one addressed to me and one to Himself. "you will appear in my office in 1971 and you are to give the letter to me that is labeled to me and you can then open yours. It has the plan for taking Tom out. Finally" he holds up two bottles up that have silvery strands in them that I remember being memories. "these are memories. One is mine and the other is Severus' they have our initials on the stoppers. When you finish viewing them have me place them in my memory cabinet so they are safe." he hands them to me and I gently place them in a side pocket inside my bag.

He then hands me a bottle with a dark blue potion in it. "this is your de-aging potion I suggest you take it when you get to my office in 1971. That is all I have for you, Miss. Granger. You best get going." I start to turn the time turner. 1...2...3...4...5...
I'm never going to have the friendship I had with Ron and Harry 6...7...8...9...10...
I will save Harry's parents though and I will save Fabian and Gideon Prewett and Fred 11...12...13...14...15
I'm going to miss my friends but we have lost so many friends too. Too many friends. ...16...17...18...19...
I could save Neville's parents! 20...21...22...23...24
At least I will have Crooks and you know what? I could become friends with Severus. Merlin knows we will both need a friend. A friend who is forgiving.
...25...26...27...28 and with that last turn, the room started changing.

I held Crookshanks closer and closed my eyes. All of the movement around me was giving me a headache. Finally, I heard Dumbledore's voice "Hello. Who who might you be?"

So how was it?

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