~ A Familiar ~

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^ What Merlin looks like in his portrait.

Hermione's POV

I stepped through the fireplace back into Dumbledore's office. I took the glamour off and put my hood down. I dug around in my bag for the letter from future Dumbledore and read it again. All it said is to hunt and destroy the Horcruxes during summer. He really isn't a ton of help. Taking the letter and the book I just got I walked over to one of the portraits. This portrait hides a safe keyed to my magical signature. Only I am able to open the portrait and the safe. I was told to choose a portrait to guard the safe at the beginning of summer break and the one I chose was of Merlin.

"Hello, Miss Granger. Password?"

"Hello, Sir. Halfblood Prince."

His portrait swung open revealing the safe. I place my hand on the door and felt the slight tingle of my magic touching the door. The safe opened and I place the letter and the book next to the two Horcruxes. I then close the safe and gently close the portrait.

"Have a good rest of your day sir."

"Likewise Miss Granger."

then I turned and left the office. I made it to my Second-year dorm and laid on my bed. I smiled and stared at the ceiling. Over the summer I learned the spell to turn the ceiling into the night sky. Suddenly I realized just how exhausted I am. I haven't been sleeping well with the nightmares and the endless research on Horcruxes. My last thought before falling asleep is just how much I'm looking forward to seeing Sev and Lily again.

Severus Snape's POV

WARNING! The topic of abuse is in the first paragraph of this POV change.

I limp to my room after the latest beating I received from the drunken brute that is my father. He passed out on the couch afterward allowing me to leave to get to work on healing myself. Thank Merlin Hermione gave me that potions set for Christmas I know for a fact that I have at least two broken ribs. I enter my room closing the door gently behind me. walking over to my bed and sitting down on the edge I pull the wooden box from underneath and set it next to me. I open it and I'm met by an almost empty box. I grab the last bottle of Skele-gro and the small container with the rest of the bruise balm in it. After drinking the skele-gro I start to apply the bruise balm to the already forming bruises on my left cheek, right leg and my ribs.

Talk of abuse has ended

Laying back on my bed I stare at my ceiling exhausted. Hermione isn't the only one who benefits from our sleeping arrangement during school. I also suffer from night terrors so at Hogwarts we both get more sleep. I'm so excited to be going back to Hogwarts in a few days. I've really missed it there. Dozing off the last thought I have is of my two best friends and how great it will be for us to be together again.

Hermione's POV

Today is the first day of the new school year and I'm so excited to see Sev and Lily again. It's 9:30 am and I'm getting ready to go to Diagon Alley to get some last minute school supplies. When I was ready I went to use Dumbledore's floo.

Time Skip

Finally, I got all of the supplies I need. I just need to make one more stop. Opening the door to Magical Menagerie I'm greeted by the sounds of many animals.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

I looked at the store clerk and smiled. "I'm looking for an owl."

He smiled and lead me to where the owls are. He then left to go help another customer. I looked around for a little while but none of them really stood out to me. I was about to leave when I noticed a Raven in a cage behind all of the owls. Slowly I walk around all the owl cages and find myself standing in front of the sightly Raven. Its eyes full of knowledge, far too much knowledge for just a normal bird. I place my hand against the cage and the bird touched the top of his beak to the palm of my hand and I feel a slight tingle where we were touching. I looked around slightly then opened his cage and he flew out and perched himself on my shoulder.

I think I just formed a familiar bond. Smiling at that thought I walked around gathering supplies for him. I picked out a gorgeous cage and a nameplate to attach to the cage when I have decided on a name for him.

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^ Him and his cage

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^ Him and his cage

I head back to the counter purchase him and everything else. I placed everything down on the counter and the man looked up. To say he looked shocked was an understatement.

"Are you sure you want that bird, miss? He has quite the temper."

"Yes, I want this bird."

"You can just have him then just pay for the supplies."

I raised an eyebrow at him but I didn't ask any questions and I paid for the supplies. I placed all of the supplies in the cage and carried it out of the shop with my new Raven perched on my shoulder.

Time Skip

I arrived in Dumbledore's office via floo and saw him sitting at his desk. He motioned for me to sit in the chair across from him.

"Good morning Miss Granger. I trust your shopping trip went well? It appears you have found yourself a familiar. Congratulations. What's his name?"

"Well, I actually haven't named him yet. I was thinking of naming him Bramm." I look at the Raven on my shoulder and pet his head a little bit. "Is that acceptable?" I ask him and he pecks my finger affectionately. "Ok, his name is Bramm."

Dumbledore smiles and nods eyes twinkling. He then went back to being a little more serious.

"Miss Granger since you have already missed the train I have come up with a cover story for you."

"What's the story, sir?"

"Voldemort killed your parents over the summer and with no other living relatives you are now a ward of the school."

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