~ To The Library ~

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^ The outfits they wear on their date. Both are assembled by me.

The Next Day In The Library

Hermione's POV

I pull another book off of the shelf thinking it's hopeless but then I look at the title.

"Oaths and Bondings of
The old world"

Sounds promising. I start skimming and I come across a type of bonding that I haven't heard of before in any of the texts I've checked so far.

"Among the rarest of bonds known to wizardkind soulbonds are the most beautiful and rare of all. Many in our world either don't know of their existence or simply don't believe them to be real. It's been thousands of years since a soul bond was reported. There are a few things that set the soulbond apart from other bondings.

1. They don't require any form of spoken vow or oath,

2. They only occur when two souls are in perfect harmony with each other, and

3. This type of bonding also only appears with a couple who are soulmates. 

The soulbond is extremely rare because of the common misconception that there isn't anything above finding your soulmate. When you find your soulmate your souls unite but when a soulbond occurs not only are your souls united but your magic joins together with that of your soulmates."

I'm shocked and I run off to another part of the library to find Sev.

Time Skip To That Night

Sev and I are sitting in the room of requirements waiting for Lily and Regulus to show up. We had checked the book out of the library to read up a little more on the subject if we can but there isn't a whole lot known about this particular bond. Finally, Lily and Regulus both enter the room. This time Regulus offers to prepare tea for us before we begin chatting. Once the tea is prepared and we are all sitting we finally begin to explain what we have come to learn to the both of them. Lily just seemed to soak in the information we gave but Regulus seemed shocked.

"We have a book in our library at home that talked about them! I didn't think I would ever hear of one happening let alone have one form between two of my three best friends."

"Why were you reading about bondings Reg?" Lily asked.

"Well, when Sirius was disowned I became the sole heir of the black family. Because of this, I was made to learn about many things including bondings as my parents are going to arrange my marriage for me. They wanted me to know all I could about bondings so I don't disgrace the family name."

We all look at him in shock.

"What?" He asks.

"I didn't know that purebloods still did arranged marriages," I said. Lily and Sev nod in agreement.

"Yeah, you should be able to find who you want to love Reg. It's not fair to you. It should be your choice who you marry."

"I'm glad that you guys care about my love life," Reg joked "but we should be talking about Mia and Sev's situation right now."

"Alright but this conversation isn't over mister," I say.

"What do you two think of the whole situation? Do you think you two really are bonded?" Lily asked.

"I believe so but we will have to check somehow. Perhaps professor Dumbledore could help us with this." Sev said "I'm just disappointed that I wasn't able to propose and bond to you properly Hermione. I'm sorry for that." He continued.

"Oh, Severus it's alright. I am happy to be bonded to you either way." I reply.

"Ok, you two lovebirds." Regulus interrupted, "As much as I love you both I've had enough of the lovey-dovey crap for one day. Do you guys want to play a game? I snuck out this last summer and bought a muggle card game that sounded interesting."

"What is the name of the card game?" I asked.


3rd Person POV

The four of them played UNO for hours into the night and they ended up spending the night in the room of requirements. The next day they went to Dumbledore to see about figuring out if they were bonded and as it turns out they were. During all of this Severus was making a plan.

Time Skip To Christmas Eve

Hermione's POV

We hung out with Lily earlier, Regulus wasn't there because he went home for the holiday so he sent his gifts via owl for us to open tomorrow. The only reason that lily was at Hogwarts for Christmas this year is because her family went on vacation. That's when Sev told me he has a date planned for us tonight. I pick out a simple yet classy outfit and get dressed because it is almost time for our date.

I hear a knock on the door to the girl's dorm and open the door and I am met by the sight of a very handsome Severus. He eyes my outfit and I look at him with a smirk. I grab him by the collar of his shirt with one hand and rest the other on the back of his neck pulling him in for a kiss. He reciprocates and after we pull apart Sev blindfolds me. He, ever the gentleman offers me his arm and guides my hands so they rest on his bicep and then we depart.

Severus's POV

Currently, I am leading a blindfolded Hermione through the castle. I planned a romantic dinner for us but I wanted to surprise her with it.

"Sev?" Hermione asks. I look over at her and see a smile on her lips.

"Yes, Mia?" I ask smiling myself.

"How much further?"

"We are nearly there my love. Not much longer." She gives a small nod. The smile never once leaving her lips.

After a little while longer we make it to our destination. I take a quick look around just to make sure everything is perfect and I let out a nervous breath.

"We're here. You can remove your blindfold now." I tell her and she starts to take it off.

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