~A Change in Time~

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3rd person POV

That meeting with Dumbledore ended with Sirius and James getting a weeks worth of detentions with Professor McGonagall and Severus and Hermione getting a weeks worth of detentions with Professor Slughorn. The rest of that year and the next two years after that James continued to bully Severus and Hermione. They stood up for each other and this resulted in them growing closer. In the third year, Hermione and Severus became Animagi (Severus is the fox on the left and Hermione is the fox on the right). She wanted to so she could help Remus on full moons. Also for the two years following that meeting with Dumbledore, James was trying to win Lily's affection failing every time because of his behavior. Hermione and Dumbledore also found the rest of the Horcruxes. It helped that Voldemort hadn't made Nagini yet and he hadn't hidden his others yet either. But then something changed something that wasn't supposed to play out the way it did...

Hermione's POV

I was sitting against a large tree by the black lake reading a rather rare book on potions (well it was rare in my time) that Sev got me for Christmas last year. I was waiting for Sev to come back from the library so we could read together. That's when I heard them. James and Sirius and all their groupies. And they were headed straight for me. I casually put my book in my bag and closed it activating the protective charms and spells on it. I calmly looked at the group and said:

"what can I do for you boys"

"you can convince Evans to go out with me," said James.

I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry Potter I can't help you with that" I grab my bag and stand up to leave when all of a sudden I'm hanging upside down in the air by my ankles. A growl leaves my throat because now I'm completely vulnerable. Everyone can see my underwear and my bra but even worse everyone can see my scars. I'm not ashamed of them in any sense because I got them fighting for good but now people will ask questions. My shirt falls to the ground and I cross my arms sending them a deadly glare. I vaguely note the looks of shock from everyone looking at my scars.

"Are you happy now? You attacked a girl who wasn't doing anything wrong. I was walking away from conflict. I honestly never thought you would be so cruel" 

I was starting to get really dizzy from being upside down. Then Sev and Lily showed up and they were furious. Sev rushed over to me whispering the counter curse and catching me as I fell out of the air. He set me on my feet and takes his cloak off wrapping it around my shoulders. I smile and hug him whispering a thank you. All of a sudden I hear a sharp crack and a cry of pain. I look over and see James laying on the ground with blood streaming out of his nose and Lily in front of him with a look of absolute fury. Sev and I watch in awe. Wow, that reminded me of when I punched Draco.

"James Potter! You never attack a girl! That is low even for you! You are a complete arse!"

She rushes over to Sev and I and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm ok Lils I promise. They didn't hurt me. That punch was brilliant though"

Hearing me say that both Sev and Lily chuckle a little bit. I turn towards James who is still nursing his broken nose and take a few steps towards him.

"You don't know everything Potter. Not everyone's lives are perfect. You don't know what people go through or have gone through. Just remember that the next time you go to bully someone"

I point my wand at his nose causing him to flinch and I cast Episkey. I then pull a potion out of my bag to stop bleeding and hand it to him. Giving him a hard glare I turn and walk back to my friends. I see Sev carrying my bag and my shirt. I hold his hand and Lily wraps an arm around my shoulder and we walk back to the castle.

Small Time Skip

Before we split up to go to our common rooms we stop at the girl's bathroom on the first floor so I can put my shirt back on. Sev waits outside the door and Lily and I go in. I take Sev's cloak off and pull my shirt back on.

"So you and Sev huh?" Lily says.

I blush a little. "We aren't a couple"

"Yes, but I know you like him. You know Halloween is coming up in a few weeks and I heard that they are planning on having a masquerade ball for the 5th, 6th and 7th years maybe he will ask you"

"Maybe" oh Merlin do I have a plan I just hope Sev agrees.

we exit the bathroom. Sev and I give Lily a hug and we split up to go to our common rooms. Instead of going to our common room I pull him to the room of requirements. A door appears and I quickly enter pulling Sev in behind me. He looks at me confused until he sees we are in an oh so familiar ballroom lined with mirrors.

"Lily told me that on Halloween they are planning on having a masquerade ball for 5th, 6th and 7th years. What do you say about putting on a bit of a show for everyone attending?"

By the end, he is grinning. No one knows this but Sev and I have been dancing together since 3rd year. We were talking and somehow I brought up how I wasn't a great dancer. He started teaching me but as it turned out I just needed a suitable partner.

"That sounds wonderful" he replied still grinning.

Another Chance At Life And Love.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz