~ Nightmares ~

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Severus' POV

I was woken up early in the morning by banging on the door to our dorm. What the hell is going on? All the guys in the dorm we're grumbling about it being too early. I get up and open the door. I was about to say something when I heard screaming. I look at who woke me and my dorm mates up so early. It appeared to be one of the girls who is also a first year. Before I could say anything she spoke.

"Severus you need to go wake up Hermione or something. We can't wake her up and it appears she is having a night terror."

I practically sprinted to the girl's dorm and I am greeted by Hermione's small form writhing, screaming and crying. I rush over to her and I grabbed her hand. The contact seemed to have calmed her a little bit. I tried to wake her up but it seems she was pretty deep in sleep. I know how bad night terrors can get so I just crawled into her bed and held her close to me. She calmed down completely. How have I ended up so attached to this girl? I've only known her for a day. Oh well, I can think on that later. I ended up falling asleep but right before I did the last thing, I remember hearing was obnoxious awes of her two dorm mates.

Hermione's POV

I was woken up to giggling. Why are they giggling? I groaned softly and buried my face in my pillow. Then I heard an awe. Wait pillows don't breathe and they certainly don't have arms that hold you close. I look up and I'm greeted by Sev's face. I blush and rest my head on his chest. I inhale deeply trying to calm down only for my heart to stop. That smell is painfully familiar. My eyes widen slightly and my blush grows deeper. My Amortentia scent. Freshly mowed grass, parchment, spearmint toothpaste, and potions.

I couldn't move one out of shock and two because I was so comfortable in his arms. Why was he here? I paused. I had a night terror last night that I couldn't wake up from. It was terrible Bellatrix was torturing me again but we were surrounded by the lifeless bodies of all my friends but then it went away. This must have been why it had disappeared. I need to wake him up so we can head to breakfast.

"Sev it's time to wake up," I said softly while shaking him slightly. He grumbled a little bit but then opened his eyes.

I smile "Goodmorning Sev"

he smiled a little bit too. "Goodmorning Hermione"

he slowly gets up and stretches. Then he said "I'm going to go get ready. Meet me in the common room?"

"Of course Sev. See you in a few minutes."

And with that, he left for his dorm. After he left the two girls I share the dorm with went on and on about how absolutely adorable Sev and I are. Admittedly that made me blush a little bit. I took a quick shower and cast a drying spell to dry my hair. I then put my Hogwarts uniform on and grabbed a book from my bag about Transfiguration and becoming an animagus. Exiting the dorm and walking into the common room I saw Sev leaning against a wall reading a book.

"Hey, Sev you ready to go?"

he looks up and smiles. "yea let's get going"

On our way to the great hall, we talked a little bit. "Thank you for helping me with my night terror. It means a lot to me."

"It was no problem, Hermione. If you don't mind me asking what was it?"

I can tell I paled at the thought. It won't give away anything about the future so I will tell him. Maybe it will help to get it off my chest. "I was being tortured and all my friends were laying dead around me." He looked shocked. I almost didn't realize he had stopped walking. I turned around and stood in front of him with a small smile gracing my lips. "It's ok Sev. You saved me from experiencing any more of it." Suddenly he wrapped me in a big hug. I hugged him back smiling.

The rest of the year went well if you didn't count the Marauders bullying us every chance they got. We hung out with Lily after classes Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's and on the weekends. When I had night terrors Sev stayed with me. For Christmas I made Sev and Lily their own sets of potions such as Healing potions, blood replenishers, skele-gro, calming Draught, and Dreamless sleep both containing a total of 24 vials and they each got a book. Both sets were a little more oriented towards whom they were made for so Lily got more calming droughts and dreamless sleep than healing potions and the book I got her was a book on charms. Sev got about 4 of each except for he also got some bruise balm and the book I got him was an advanced potion making book.

Once summer starts I will begin to look for and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes. The only problem is that I don't know how to do that yet. Harry killed the basilisk and used the sword of Gryffindor and neither of those will work as the basilisk is still alive and the sword was never impregnated with its venom. I will have to do some research during the summer break. I'm staying at the castle so Dumbledore gave me access to the restricted section so I can research everything I need to.

Boarding the train at the end of term and saying goodbye for the break was quite sad for me. I will miss Sev and Lily this summer. And I somehow know my night terrors will get worse because I will be alone.

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