~ Another school year ~

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Hermione's POV

I was waiting near the carriages for Sev and Lily. When I finally saw them I ran up and wrapped them both in a huge hug. They were both startled but then hugged me back. Once we pulled away we got in a carriage and I pet one of the Thestrals a little bit. Sev and Lily were looking at me with worried and confused expressions. Lily then started to speak.

"So Hermione why weren't you on the train?"

"Because I was already here at Hogwarts. I've been living here for most of the summer." I said.

"Why have you been living here?" asked Sev.

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I hate lying to my friends. "Because my You-Know-Who killed my parents over the summer. I don't have any other family so I'm now a ward of the school." Looking at the two of them Lily had tears in her eyes and Sev looked very pale and that's saying something as he is already extremely pale. Lily and Sev then moved over to the side of the carriage I'm sitting on one of them on either side of me. Lily held my hand and Sev had his arm wrapped around my shoulders for the rest of the ride to the castle.

Finally getting to the castle we got off the carriage and entered the school headed towards the Great Hall. Bramm landed on my shoulder as soon as we got in the castle and I introduced him to Sev and Lily

Time Skip

After the feast Lily headed towards the Gryffindor common room and Sev and I started to make our way to the Slytherin common room. That is until Sev and I stop. I know we both feel like we're being followed so I turn around and scan the hallway. It looks empty but I know better than to believe that. I point my wand straight ahead "Homenum Revelio" I cast the spell and two markers showed up right next to each other. "Accio Invisibility cloak" the cloak flys into my hand and the two boys look stunned but they soon recover and draw their wands. That's when Sev moves in front of me his wand drawn as well. Sirius is the first to cast a spell. I carefully fold up the cloak an place it in my bag and then stand next to Sev joining the duel.

"Avis, oppugno" I sent a flock of birds towards the two boys and they dodged them.

"Everte Statum!" Sirius sent at me.

"Protego" I easily deflect his spell.

Severus had cast confundo on James so when He went to cast expelliarmus it threw him back into the wall effectively knocking him out and distracting Sirius.

"Petrificus totalus" I cast towards Sirius putting him in a body bind. Then I levitated both of them and began walking to the hospital wing. "Come on Sev. We have to get them to the hospital wing and explain our side of the story before they blow it out of proportion." He ran up next to me and we slowly made our way to the hospital wing.  Finally making our way to the hospital wing I placed them onto a couple of beds as Sev got madam pomfrey. When she came in she immediately rushed over. "Hello madam pomfrey Sirius is fine but James needs to be looked at."

As she was tending to James she asked what happened. "Well you see Sirius and James snuck up on us when we were headed to the Slytherin common room and had started to duel us. James got hit with a confundus charm and when he tried to disarm Severus he was thrown into a wall. That distracted Sirius so I used Petrificus totalus on him so we could bring James to the hospital wing peacefully." She gave us a lecture on why we aren't allowed duel in the school but she also said we handled things very maturely. She then excused us to go to our common room and told us that Dumbledore would talk to us tomorrow.

Once we were in our common room Sev went to the boys dorm and I went to the girls dorm. I quickly changed into my emerald green fleece pajamas. I wrote a quick letter to James' parents as well as packaged the cloak and sent Bramm to Deliver those. I snuggled under the blankets and heard a light knock. "you can come in Sev." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. he opens the door and enters then quietly closes the door behind him. He makes his way towards my bed, I move over and he crawls in with me. We both smile a little bit and we quickly fall into a peaceful sleep. The first peaceful sleep either of us has had all summer.

Waking up that morning I felt so well rested. I look at Sev and find that he is still asleep. I want him to get as much sleep as possible so I carefully get out of bed and head to the boy's dorm. I lightly knock so if they are still asleep I don't wake them but if someone is awake they can hear it. The door was opened by a boy who just raised his eyebrow at me. "I'm here to get Sev's uniform." he nodded and pointed to which bed was Sev's then he exits the dorm going to the common room. I walk over to the trunk at the end of the bed and open it. I grab his robes, socks, and Shoes them I close the trunk and head back to the girl's dorm. Walking back into the dorm I see my roommates watching Sev with smiles on their faces. I look over at him and can't help but smile as well because he is hugging my pillow. Chuckling a little bit I speak to my roommates. "girls stop staring" as they leave to go to breakfast I walk over to Sev and gently shake his shoulder a little.

"Time to wake up Sev." He groaned a little and opened his eyes. "I got your uniform from your dorm. All the other girls just left for breakfast so you can change in the bathroom."

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