~ Masquerade ~

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^ up above is a video of their song and dance as well as the picture of their outfits.

Italics is Severus
Underlined italics is Hermione

It is the day of the ball so I get out of bed and wake Sev up. It's about to be very active in the girls dorm. He kisses my forehead lightly and leaves. I sort out everything I'm going to need on the bed and once I'm done I ask a house elf named Pippy if she could bring the girls and I some breakfast. She happily agreed and returned not to long after with an assortment of Fruit, muffins, water and even some bacon. All of us girls sat and chatted while we ate and then we began getting ready. I placed a Disillusionment charm on myself so no one will know what I look like and began. The entire time of getting ready the other girls and I talked and none of them questioned why I Disillusioned myself.

Time Skip to half an hour before the ball

I'm pretty much done all I have left is my dress and my mask. I pull my dress on being careful to not mess up my makeup or hair. I make my way towards Myrtle's bathroom like Sev and I planned. Upon entering I see Sev is already there so I take the spell off and smile at him.

"My don't you look dashing tonight Sev."

"And you look absolutely gorgeous if I do say so my self Hermione. I have something for you."

He hands me a long black velvet box. I look at him curiously and take the box. Opening it it reveals a beautiful round gold locket with a 3D rose on the front. I gently take it from the box running my thumb over the petals of the rose and open it. Inside are two pictures. One of Sev, Lily and I and the other of Sev and I holding hands laughing. I smile, slightly tearful and hug him tightly.

"Thank you" I whisper

He hugs me back kissing the top of my head and whispering back.

"You're welcome"

After what felt like forever we pulled away from each other he then proceeds to put it on for me. His fingers ghosting over my neck. Then a grin splits my face.

"You ready to make a grand entrance?"

He is wearing a matching grin and replies.


We put our masks on, he offers his arm and I take it. We are ready to shock the school. Making our way to the great hall the halls were empty. We were late but that was the plan. Finally standing in front of the closed doors of the great hall some nerves were starting to sink in. Sev seemed to notice and turned to me.

"It's ok Hermione we've done this a thousand times. Just focus on me ok?"

I take a deep breath and nod. He sends me a comforting smile and turns towards the door. We asked Dumbledore to make sure our song is played after the first song with a silent pause between the two. we hear the music stop. That's our queue. Sev uses a bit of wandless magic to open the doors dramatically. We stride into the hall everyone moving from our path, staring at us and whispering trying to guess who we are.

Getting slightly nervous I look over at Sev to see him looking back at me and I loose myself in his eyes. Whoever said the eyes are the windows to the soul wasn't lying. His eyes weren't black but the most intense dark brown I've ever seen. Like the darkest coffee and burning with passion and so many other emotions I can't decipher. When we got to the center of the room I faintly heard our song start I released his arm and went to stand behind him reluctantly breaking eye contact. Sliding my right hand to rest over his heart his came to rest over mine.

It beats for you.

He's using Legilimency to project his words. Does he feel the same way I feel?

And mine beats for you.

I walk out from behind him and he twists me gently holding me close my back against his chest. Bending me slightly his cheek almost touching mine.

You are my world.

You are my life.

Twisting me again facing him he gently grasps my waist with one hand and caresses my right arm with the other guiding my hand into his. Our faces mere centimeters apart.

You are as radiant as the sun.

You are the stars in an endless night sky.

He lead me around and once we pause I balance on my toe and he spins me while leaning me forward.

I trust you

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. Our noses touching our breath mingling and our eyes full of passion.

You make my life worth living.

You are my life.

I run my hand up his chest to his cheek caressing it our eyes never leaving the others.

You are everything I want and more.

Not breaking eye contact he dips me back and we both whisper out a breathless

"I love you"

I faintly note the end of our song. He slowly raises me back up and holds my hand. It is then that I notice our audience clapping, cheering and whistling. Even the teachers. I smile look towards Dumbledore and see his eyes sparkling intensely with a knowing smile on his face. The cheering subsided and everyone dispersed from around us going to dance to the new song. Sev and I walked over to one of the tables and sit down next to each other exhausted but oh so very happy. The rest of the night went smoothly. We danced to a few more songs most of them being waltzes and then we went to our common room to retire for the evening. Sev went to his dorm to change. Once I had changed and dealt with my hair and makeup I changed into a tank top and a pair of flannel shorts. I heard Sev knock on the door and I let him in. He was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. We crawl into bed, Sev pulls me close and I snuggle into his chest.

"Hermione would you be my girlfriend?" He looked kind of nervous.

I smile at him. "I would love to be your girlfriend."

With that he smiled, kissed my forehead and we went to sleep.

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