~ Voldemort's Downfall ~ Part 2

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Everyone Else - "Normal"
Voldemort - "Italic"


I get to him right as Voldemort yells out "Avada Kedavra!" and I push him out of the way of the curse sacrificing myself instead. The last thing I remember after that was a bright pulse of white light.


I black out for a second and come out of it not too long after to see death eaters laying all over and Voldemort trying to kill everyone. I have to stop him.

"Hey, Tom!"

Voldemort turned to me and sneered.

"what do you want Mudblood?"

I see Sev sneaking up behind Voldemort and signals for me to keep him distracted.

"I'm more powerful than you."

"That's not possible," he said

"Prove it." and with that, I cast my first spell against him.

"Everte Statum!" he blocks it.

"Crucio!" I feel agonizing searing hot pain coursing through my body and I let out a piercing scream but I also hear what is almost a scream of pain through my screams, A scream that wasn't mine. I see Sev laying on the ground trying to hold back his screams. My eyes widen as what is happening really sinks in. I read something in a really old book I found in the restricted section and it was about soulmates.

Through an act of true love and sacrifice,
soulmates awaken,
Only when one completely sacrifices their life for the other are they are bound to one another.
Two souls becoming one bound by the soulmate bond

I slowly stand through the pain and raise my wand and with gritted teeth, I start casting spell after spell in rapid succession so quick he can't keep up.

"Defodio!" I wince as a chunk is taken out of my arm.



"Petrificus Totalus"


He falls to the ground and I fall to my knees in pain. The Cruciatus Curse broke while I was casting but I am still getting some of its effects. I also have a large gash in my arm from the gouging spell he sent at me. So I sit on the ground shaking when Sev walks up and kneels in front of me.

"Hermione? What was that? Why was I able to feel the Cruciatus?" he asked.

I look up at him "Because we are soul mates. The bond awoke because I sacrificed myself for you."

He looks shocked and hugs me. Regulus comes over and gives me a hug after Sev. All the Aurors were talking and Dumbledore was preparing to take Voldemort to where he belongs. Azkaban. I finish healing my arm and we leave to Hogwarts.

Time Skip

We are now in Dumbledore's office to destroy the Horcruxes. It is Dumbledore, Sev, and Myself.

"Now we will be going somewhere where it will be safe to destroy the Horcruxes. Miss. Granger, please collect the Horcruxes from the safe." Dumbledore says.

I go to the safe and am greeted by the portrait of Merlin.

"Good evening sir"

"Good evening Miss. Granger. Password?"

"Halfblood Prince"

The portrait swung open to reveal the safe. I placed my hand on the door and felt the familiar tingle of my magic. The safe door swung open and I grabbed the Horcruxes and put them in a bag I charmed to hold them safely. Closing the safe and gently placing the portrait back.

"Thank you, sir. I would like to reset the password as well."

"glad to help Miss. Granger. The new password?"

I then whisper the new password to the portrait and receive a smile and a nod.

"Very well Miss. Granger. Have a good night."

"you too sir."

We link arms with Dumbledore and apparate off to wherever it is we are going. We appear in a clearing and Dumbledore starts casting wards to help contain what we will be doing.

"We are deep in the forbidden forest. It is the safest place away from prying eyes. You both know what you need to do."

Sev levitated the Horcruxes to the center of the field and held them there.

"Okay Miss Granger on the count of 3 we cast. 1... 2... 3..."

We both start casting the spell and streams of furious fire flow out of our wands. Dumbledore's taking the form of a Phoenix and mine taking the form of a giant snake. They attack the Horcruxes causing a screaming sound to emit from them. The objects burn and melt metal dripping onto the ground and scorched paper flying out. Once they were destroyed I was trying to stop the spell but I was losing control of it, that is until Sev walked over and touched my arm. I got control back and ended my spell. Sev spins me around and gives me a hug.

"It's over Hermione he is mortal now."

Time Skip

Voldemort was found dead in his cell the next day and made it on the front page of the Daily Prophet. They said it was natural causes but Dumbledore, Sev and I know it was because all of his Horcruxes were destroyed at one time. His body and soul couldn't handle it. It feels so great to be free of him though. Especially since a lot of my life has been spent being terrorized by him. So many lives have been saved and since they think he died of natural causes none of his followers will hunt us down for that.

We got back to Hogwarts after returning Regulus to his home and soon enough it is almost time for the school year to start up again. Dumbledore gave Sev's mother a job as the Hogwarts librarian and they will be staying there now. That means we don't have to be apart for the summer. Voldemort may be gone but I can never have a normal year at Hogwarts so I feel like it's going to be an interesting final year.

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