~ Summer Holiday ~

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Hermione's POV

After saying my goodbyes to Sev and Lily they left. I know Sev wasn't looking forward to leaving especially since he lives in an abusive household. That's why I gave him the set of potions that I did for Christmas. I waited for Dumbledore to come get me and take me back to the school. When Dumbledore came to get me, we apparated into his office and he gave me a key to the restricted section. He said that I'd be pretty much on my own this summer because he was going to try to get some of the difficult to obtain Horcruxes. He also told me I am free to go to Hogsmeade and Diagonally via the floo in his office if I need to look for more books. I wrote him a list of the Horcruxes and where they were in my time and then he left.

~Time jump~

Halfway through summer, we had gotten two of the Horcruxes. We have the Gaunt Ring and Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem but it seems that I still can't figure out a way to destroy them. There is a theory that the sword of Gryffindor itself can travel through time thus it could be an option to try but it doesn't have any proof to back it up. That and the fact that the sword is missing and it shows up randomly. I even tried asking the room of requirements for a book that could help but nothing appeared. It was hopeless.

It wouldn't be long before school started back up again and I think I'm going to make one more trip to Diagon Ally to check for any possibly useful books. It's a good thing I sold my parents house and dental practice before the war in my time started. I thought that Harry, Ron and I might need some money while we were on the run so I kept it all my money in my beaded bag. When I got to this time I exchanged it for wizarding money and made my own account at Gringotts to keep it safe.

Entering Dumbledore's office I plucked a Sherbet Lemon from the dish on his desk and popped it into my mouth. Many people don't know this but Dumbledore orders these special from Honeydukes. They are infused with a calming draught, that's how he is always so calm. I place a Glamour on my appearance so I look like an adult as to not draw unwanted attention towards my actual identity and I throw on my hooded cloak which is actually one of Sev's. He forgot it when he went home. Walking over to his fireplace and grabbing a handful of Floo powder I step into the fireplace and say Diagon Ally before dropping the powder.

Almost instantly I find myself in Diagon Ally surrounded by people who are getting school supplies with their children. I exit the fireplace and make my way through the crowd to start at Flourish and Blotts. After going to Flourish and Blotts I went to Obscurus Books and the Secondhand Bookstore with no such luck at finding any books useful towards the Horcruxes. I did, however, get a few books that were extremely hard to find in my original time. I was about to leave when the idea came to me to check around Knockturn Ally. What better place to check than a place where pretty much everything relates to the Dark Arts. I put my hood up and made my way into Knockturn Ally. I made a mental list of stores that might be helpful and then headed to the first one Borgin and Burkes. Taking a page from the professor Snape handbook I gracefully and confidently strode into the shop keeping a bored look on my face. I headed straight for the counter and was met by a shifty looking man with an unsettling grin on his face.

"Hello, madam my name is Borgin. Is there anything specific you are looking for today?"

"Yes, I am seeking some books about the Dark Arts. I'm assuming you have some?" I say in a bored tone.

"Ah yes if you will follow me." he then leads me further to the back of the store and stops by a small rickety looking bookshelf. "these are all the books that I have." with that he walked away. Crouching down I look at all the book titles when a specific book caught her eye Secrets of the Darkest Art. I pulled my wand out and cast some spells checking for curses or harmful spells attached to it. After coming up with nothing I picked it up and started to examine it. This was just what I was looking for and a bonus is the fact that it's a first edition copy dated at the year 1000. It was so extremely tattered but that's to be expected by how old it is. I mean it's almost older than Merlin. Carrying it to the front of the store I gently placed it on the counter.

"An excellent choice madam, that will be 60 Galleons, 4 Sickles, and 4 Knuts."

I roll my eyes and use magic to count out the amount and placed the money on the counter I then grabbed the book and left without saying another word. I carefully stash the book away in my bag and make my way back to the fireplace in Diagon Ally.

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