~ Voldemort's Downfall ~ Part 1

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Hermione's POV

It's the end of the school year and I'm helping Sev pack up to leave. I also may be restocking his potions set without him noticing.

"I'm going to miss you this summer Sev."

"I'm going to miss you too but Hermione I will see you when we meet up with Regulus."

"I know, I love you Sev."

"I love you too Hermione"

I give him a kiss and we head off to find Lily and Regulus. We find Lily by the great hall and as I was saying my goodbyes to her Regulus showed up.

"You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye were you?" He said and caught me in a hug.

We all got really close and Lily, Sev And I were best friends with Regulus by the end of the school year. He was more than one of my best friends he was like a big brother to me even though he is younger than me. He is a lot taller than me.

"Of course not Regulus." Hugging him back. Then I pulled him to the side a little while Sev and Lily were talking. "Don't forget about our plan Regulus."

"I know Hermione. I will tell my parents I'm going to hang out with you and Sev. You will both come to pick me up as you are able to apparate and we will go to Auror headquarters. There we will go over the plan and the spell and we will start the mission." By the end, he was smiling at how nervous I am. "Everything is going to be alright Hermione. We've gone through it a thousand times."

"I know Regulus. I'm just nervous."

"I know little sister. Try not to stress yourself out too much. We have everything planned out. It will work." then he hugged me again and kissed my temple.

"thank you, brother. Oh, and I also have a gift for you." I pull a ring out of my pocket and hand it to him. "This will keep you safe wear it all the time." he smiles and nods.

                     ^ The ring

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^ The ring

After everyone said their goodbye's they boarded the train. The train pulled out of the station and I waved as they left. Once the train couldn't be seen anymore I start my walk back to the castle. Dumbledore didn't come to get me. That's fine though I need some time to clear my mind and relax anyway. I walked into the forest just outside of the Hogsmeade station and once I got far enough in I transformed into my animagus form disappearing into the forest.

Time Skip To The Plan Day

I apparate to get Sev and I land in the ally next to his house. I walk up to the door and hear yelling of what sounds like Sev and who I'm assuming is his father. All of a sudden I hear glass break and a thump. At that, I discreetly used wandless magic to unlock the door and open it. Once the door was open I was met with a horrible sight. Severus was laying on the ground glaring at his attacker covered in blood and surrounded by glass and his attacker who presumably is his father holding onto the neck of what used to be a beer bottle standing above him.

Thinking based on instinct I cast a body bind on Sev's dad and immediately sent a Patronus to Dumbledore and set to work on healing Sev who isn't to fond of being fussed over. By the time I was done healing him Dumbledore had arrived and was discussing new living arrangements with Sev's mother. Sev woke up and I told him he should stay behind at Hogwarts and rest but he refused. So knowing my Severus is the most stubborn wizard I know we left the rest of the dealings to Dumbledore and left to get Regulus. Aries was already alerting when we arrive at Number 12 Grimmauld Place. I knock on the door and am met by Sirius and Regulus' mother she lets us in and shows us to the sitting room to wait for Regulus. We were talking with Aires head laying in my lap and me petting his head.

After a while, Regulus comes down, bids a farewell to his family and we are off. We link arms and apparate to the Auror Headquarters where they are waiting along with Dumbledore. We decided that all the Aurors there would take unbreakable bonds to keep who came up with the plan a secret for our safety. We don't want the remaining death eaters hunting us down. Then we started discussing the plan. 

"Regulus here will be going to the death eater initiation tonight but we will have a tracking spell on him. I have modified one of my own spells. It's called the point me spell so instead of pointing north you attach it to a magical signature and follow that signature."

they all looked shocked. A few of them even voiced their amazement that not only have I made a spell but also modified it to make another spell. Then Sev spoke.

"Then after he gets to the initiation with us close behind we will cast anti-apparation wards and an invisible wall so none of them can escape. Then we attack. Voldemort cannot be killed. We need him alive." everyone nods and we go to put the plan into action. I take a trace of his magical signature and cast the spell.

"Guide Me" my wand hovers over my hand and spins until it locks onto Regulus.

They gave him specific directions on where to go and so we just followed him while Disillusioned. We got closer to the group of death eaters and stayed behind as Regulus continued on. We all started casting the wards and once we finished Voldemort was about to mark Regulus so I cast a stunning spell at him which he deflected. Then all hell breaks loose as Aurors and death eaters throw spell after spell at each other. I see Sev dueling Voldemort and I rush over to him binding and stunning death eaters as I go. I get to him right as Voldemort yells out "Avada Kedavra!" and I push him out of the way of the curse sacrificing myself instead. The last thing I remember after that was a bright pulse of white light and silence.

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