~ Aftermath & Christmas ~

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Authors Note

Thank you so much for 2k reads!

Hermione's POV

I was woken up to Sev running his thumb over the top of my hand. I sit up from the position I was in and groan a little bit. Merlin my back hurts. I look at Sev and see him with a look of apprehension on his face. I sigh heavily. I guess it's time to tell him. I release his hand and stretch, my back popping from doing so. I rub my hand over my face and then look at him.

"Sev I will tell you everything. I promise. It's just very sensitive information so I will tell you when you get released"

"Alright Hermione I trust you"

Time Skip To When he Is Released From The Hospital Wing.

I held Sev's hand as we made our way to the room of requirements. We got to the wall and a door appeared. We went inside and the door closed behind us. Inside was a cozy living room setting with a little kitchenette. Sev sat down on the couch and I went and made us some tea.  Once it was done I went and handed him his cup and I sat down with mine. I take a long sip of my tea and sigh.

"Are you sure you want to hear it all?" I ask.

"yes I do" Sev responded

"Alright well, first things first I'm from the future. I used a time turner which Dumbledore altered to come back in time to save all those we lost in the war. I have been working with Dumbledore from this time in the summer to stop You-Know-Who."

Sev's POV

Hermione is from the future.

"Wait if you're from the future shouldn't you be older? I met you as a first year." I asked

"I thought you would ask about that. Dumbledore had you create an aging potion. It de-aged me to 12 and it will wear off once I hit the age I was when I took it and I will age normally from that age." she said

I created an aging potion that advanced? Does she know me from her time?

"Do you know me in your time?" I ask.

"Yes, I do," she responded her eyes held some pain in them.

"What am I like?"

"Well, you were snarky, secretive, and kinda mean but you were also brave, loyal and devoted. But I have changed a lot already that causes the first three."

Wow. This is a lot to take in.

"how do you know me from the future, Hermione?"

"You were my potions teacher."

Hermione's POV

Time Skip To Christmas Eve

After Sev and I talked we worked everything out and things returned to normal. Now it's Christmas Eve and we have planned a get together with Lily to open presents. We decided to meet in the Room Of Requirements. Sev and I are currently sitting on the couch waiting for Lily. We already placed our gifts under the tree and were just chatting a little. Lily entered the room and I started making some tea while Sev and Lily chatted.

Time Skip To Tea Being Done

Once we all got a cup of tea Sev went and put a Christmas record on the record player. Lily insisted that we open our presents first. We opened them to find she got us each a set of 3 leather bound journals and 3 brand new quills.

"Thank you so much, Lily. How did you know we needed more journals and quills?" I asked Sev agreeing.

"You two always need more of them with all the projects you are working on," Lily said.

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