~Regulus & A Service Dog~

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So I found on the Harry Potter Fandom site it says it is unknown whether Hermione found the Four-Point spell for Harry to use in GoF or if she created it herself so in this story, I'm going with she created the spell.

Hermione's POV

When everyone returned from Christmas break Sev and I were walking to the common room with Aries when we heard yelling. We sped up and turned the corner to see Sirius yelling and a guy maybe a year or two younger than us. Sev and I stormed up to them. It was then that I realized that boy is Sirius' younger brother.

"Sirius Black! He already has to deal with you at home! Leave him be!" I yelled

Sirius turned to me standing face to face both of us glaring at each other.

"Back off Granger, this doesn't involve you."

"It involves me when you target my family."

Sirius snorts unceremoniously.

"Your family? He is my brother, not yours." He said

"You definitely don't treat him the way a brother should. He is a part of Slytherin House thus he is a part of my family. So I would appreciate it if you stopped yelling at him."

"You Bitch! How dare you tell me how to treat my brother!" The resounding sound of a slap echoes through the corridor.

Sev and Regulus both had their wands drawn in an instant. The force of the slap caused my head to snap to the side and to stumble back but I held my hand up stopping the two angry Slytherin men from Jinxing the now shocked Gryffindor.

I look him in the eyes.

"Sirius I know you don't want your brother to join You-Know-Who but this isn't the way to do it."

I turn around with Aries alerting slightly by touching his nose to my hand and licking it. I'm training him as a Service Dog to help with my PTSD. Poppy diagnosed it right before I left to Dumbledore's office in my time. I just started training him last week but he is learning quickly. I knew it was only a matter of time before something caused an episode.
Once we got down the hall the adrenaline was really starting to wear off and I leaned against a wall. I sunk to the floor and laid down.

I could vaguely hear Regulus asking what I was doing and Sev answering him as I patted my chest for Aries to come and quietly told him to lay down. He laid across my chest starting DPT (Deep Pressure Therapy) and I laid there trying to calm my breathing. I told Sev about the PTSD when I told him everything else. So far it had only shown itself in nightmares and but I guess being physically attacked triggered an episode. After around 20 minutes to half an hour, I came out of it to see Sev and Regulus sitting on the other side of the hallway chatting quietly. When Sev saw I was back he got up, got Aries off of me and helped me up.

"Are you ok Hermione?" Sev asked.

"Yes, I'm fine Sev just tired now."

"I'm glad you're alright Granger." Said Regulus.

"You can call me Hermione Regulus. Why don't you come with us? I have to talk to you about a few things."

"Alright, Hermione." Responded Regulus

We rerouted to the room of requirements and once we got there our usual room appeared. We walk in and the door closes behind us.

"What is this place?" Regulus asked

"This is the room or requirements. It changes based on what someone needs. This room is the one we spend the most time in. Hermione, you sit down I will make the tea today." Said Sev

"Thank you Sev."

Regulus and I sit on the couch and chat a little bit while waiting for the tea to be ready. Sev brings the tea over and we each get a cup.

"So onto why we are here. I know you want to join the death eaters but I have some information for you before you decide. You-Know-Who is actually a half-blood by the name of Tom Marvolo Riddle. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and will torture or even kill his followers over practically anything. He is also creating Horcruxes to try to become immortal."

Regulus looked horrified at what I told him which was most likely from the news of Horcruxes.

"If I tell you more you will have to take a wizards oath to ensure you won't tell what I am to tell you."

"Alright. I, Regulus Arcturus Black swear on my magic with a wizards oath that I will not tell anyone outside of this room about what I am about to be told."

There was a surge of magic acknowledging the oath and then everything was normal.

"Alright, first things first I didn't think you were going to tell anyone its just a safety precaution. So I'm from the future and my goal is to change it. I've been trying to take You-Know-Who down before to many lives are lost." I said

"That's all great but why are you telling me?" he asked but then paused. "I die in the future, don't I?"

"You did but I believe I changed that already," I said. He looked hopeful.

"Can I help? Can I help you take him down?" he asked

It was then I had a great idea. I've been wondering how we will kill You-Know-Who once we destroy his Horcruxes. What if we send Regulus into an initiation and somehow follow him to the location. Then we could cast anti-Apparition shields and ambush them. You-Know-Who will have to be there to give the dark mark to new recruits. And I do believe I know just how to track him as well I'm just going to have to alter one of my own spells a little bit.

"Yes, I do believe you can."

Another Chance At Life And Love.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon