04 Mission

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I watch as the vision turned to cries and cries grew louder as I look over the burnt and destroyed houses. Kids crying with their toys calling out to their mothers and some crying over their dying relative. Too much. This is all too much. I watch over the broken houses dragons and out of this world creatures burn and destroy them like dirt,

Soon the black smoke turned to an image of full terror. I watch as people were kneeling down and- with a swift of their swords a persons soul is taken away. How can they be this cruel? I watch as a child watch her parents get slaughtered. Poor child. Now her mind is filled with such traumatic events.

Over all this, I watch in horror as a man standing over a huge rock formation holding a bloody sword out with pride.

"Those Elementals were no use for me anyways."

I watch as he was holding this glowing globe blasts, taking over everything...

Coming back to reality after what I saw was like coming back alive after surpassing death. I did not know what happened. I didn't know what was happening, I was taking huge intakes of breath and I felt too suffocated. A glass of water suddenly flashed my vision and I look up through teary eyes to see a worried Amor. I smiled at her, thankful for her kind actions. After some time I was finally able to relax a bit and I let my back slump at her comfy sofa.

"Is-is that what's really gonna happen?" I croaked out as I stared into space.

"That will happen if you let it be." She said, I turned to her analyzing her own statement and sighed clearly knowing what she meant.

"I don't think I can do-"

"You know you can, you're just too afraid to." She cut me off and her words hit me straight to my heart, she was right.

I knew I can, I was just afraid of a lot of things. This will all rely on me? What if I fail? What will happen to others? There were thousands of reasons to say no but my mind drift for a split second at the horrific scenes I saw and it changed my mind.

"Okay, I'll do it." Because even after those thousands of reasons to say no, there were millions of reasons to say yes.

She smiled and stared at me in awe, before I saw the flash of excitement pass through her eyes.

"Okay. Great. Now I have to tell you how to be a Chosen." She said as we go unto the roller coaster like train of talk.

"First of let's talk about the Elementals." I nodded at her to continue.

"I mentioned before that you need to travel to get to the other lands right? Well that could be a problem for your first trip unless you have a ship with you."

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