Chapter 1

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Something changed in Lauren during the summer, she went from nice and cheerful to dark and brooding, she never told anyone what caused this change.

The final few days of summer Lauren practically made herself her own prisoner, she locked herself in her room, didn't let anyone in and only left the room to get food and shower, she would shower when everyone was out or at work to avoid the questions from her parents, they barely saw their daughter.

It was the first day back at school for Lauren and for her parents it was the first they properly saw their daughter in days, she was wearing dark clothes, she didn't have the usual spring in her step instead she trudged everywhere and looked very uninterested and detached.

"Morning sweetie" Lauren's mom Clara said sweetly and Lauren just nodded in her direction before grabbing her keys and walking out the house.

"What happened to our girl Mike?" Clara asked sadly staring at the front door confused.

"I'm not sure" he said sympathetically and kissed her cheek before disappearing upstairs.

Lauren was on her way to school when she ended up stuck behind a movers van.

"Ugh come on" Lauren groaned hitting her head dramatically off the steering wheel before pulling into the other lane and over taking the van.

As Lauren pulled in front of the van she caught a glimpse of a brunette walking in the direction of the school, she was slim, tanned, beautiful. Lauren shook her head and sped past her and pulled into the school gates and parked her car.

"Hey Lauren" Her friend Ally said walking towards her, Lauren just smiled at her and walked into the school, she received confused looks probably because she was in all black clothes, the lightest thing was her skin and her eyes.

Lauren opened her locker and placed her books inside before she was greeted by someone else.

"Nice to see you Lauren" the voice said and Lauren looked behind her locker and there stood a member of Lauren's past.

"Lucy" Lauren acknowledged her presence before closing her locker and walking towards her class.


As Camila walked into the school grounds she was already lost there were so many buildings and so many doors, Camila walked through the one signed "Main Entrance" as she walked through the girls stared and the guys gawked and a few whistled at her.

Camila was stopped in her tracks when a girl in a cheerleading uniform practically jumped in front of her.

"Um hey" Camila said confused but still studying the hallways.

"I'm Olivia" the blonde said holding her hand out and Camila awkwardly shook it.

"I'm Camila" she replied and the girl nodded and smiled.

"I see your new" she said linking her arm with Camila and walking towards the door labelled "reception"

"Yeah um I moved from California" Camila said and Olivia hummed as they walked into reception.

"This is Camila she's new" Olivia said to the reception, the receptionist printed out a schedule and map for Camila.

"I'll be your guide" Olivia said taking Camila's schedule and studying it, "we have a lot of classes together"

Olivia led Camila through the halls, more people joined them they also were in cheerleading uniforms, they walked into Camila's first class Geometry, Camila walked to the teacher and introduced herself before making her way to the empty desk at the back but was stopped by Olivia.

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