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Lauren began running out of the yard and game to a stop when she saw Camila sitting on the sidewalk crying. Lauren tensed up as she approached Camila.

"Why?" Camila asked, the mascara running down her cheeks. "I didn't want it to be like this, I just wanted to cheerlead and I wanted to decide who I liked not someone else, this place is so fucked up" Camila vented.

"Yeah" was all Lauren replied and sat down beside Camila.

"Ughh" Camila groaned and shot up and stood in front of Lauren.

Lauren looked up at her with a confused facial expression.

"You're the worst of it and you don't even realise what you're doing" Camila spat and Lauren stood up.

"I'm not doing anything" Lauren said and Camila took a step closer.

"YOU ARE" Camila yelled and composed herself once seeing Lauren's face.

"What am I doing? Enlighten me" Lauren said and folded her arms.

"I'm trying to be your friend Lauren and lately you've been better but right now when I needed someone you gave me a one word answer" Camila spat.

"Look" Lauren began but was cut off by Camila.

"I know something fucked up happened to you I get that but if I don't know what happened I can't understand why you're acting like this" Camila said her voice growing softer.

"Get in the car" Lauren said gritting her teeth clearly getting mad as the flashbacks came flooding back.

"No" Camila said and took a step back from Lauren.

"Camila" Lauren said and Camila shook her head.

"You're the last person I want to go anywhere with" Camila said shaking her head and she began to walk away.

"You want to know what happened? What made me so fucked up" Lauren yelled in sheer anger.

"That's all I've wanted Lauren!" Camila snapped back at her and stopped walking.

"Lucy happened, she pawned me off, made me have sex with these men and women so she could feed her bloody drug habit I was just a pawn to her" Lauren yelled and by the look on her face instantly regretted it.

Camila put her hands up to her mouth and shook her head.

"No" Camila said in utter disbelief and Lauren sighed and leaned against her car.

Camila walked up to her.

"Lauren I'm so sorry" Camila said with even more tears in her eyes. "I can't imagine how awful that must of been"

"Yeah" Lauren said and Camila opened her mouth to speak when she noticed Lauren visibly tense.

Camila turned around and saw Lucy standing there with such a guilty look on her face and Camila walked over to her.

"Was that all I was as-well?" Camila asked and Lucy dropped her gaze to the floor.

"You were different to Lauren" Lucy said and Camila frowned.

"What do you mean?" Camila asked.

"You would do anything to make someone happy and avoid upsetting someone, I never liked you I just knew I could control you but I loved Lauren" Lucy said and Camila looked back at Lauren.

Lauren stood there looking at Lucy who was looking back at her, a tear fell from Camila's eye but she quickly wiped it.

"Wow" Camila said her voice barely just a whisper.

She looked at Lauren one last time and Lauren had a sparkle in her eye and Camila shook her head.

"Screw you" Camila began and realised the way Lauren looked at Lucy "both" Camila spat and Lauren looked at the floor.

Camila walked back into the yard where she saw everyone staring at her in silence, she looked around and her eyes landed on Olivia who had tears in her eyes.

"Cami I'm so sorry" Olivia said running up and wrapping her arms around Camila.

"Don't be I only knew her for a few days not like I was in love or anything" Camila said forcing a smile and Olivia shook her head.

"Let's get you home" Olivia said wrapping her arm around Camila's waist.

Camila looked at Dinah as her and Olivia we're leaving and she smiled at Dinah sincerely and then she disappeared out of the garden.

Camila walked out with Olivia and stopped when she saw Lauren and Lucy in an argument.

"You were so wrong for me Lucy! And I knew you were but even after everything my world still tilts when I think of you and the good times come flooding back" Lauren shouted but her voice got quieter as she went on.

Camila gripped Olivia's arm as she saw Lucy crash her lips onto Lauren's.

"Are you okay?" Olivia asked and Camila paused.

Camila had to take a deep breath before she could answer because she knew if she never she would break down.

"I'm so confused, why am I sad? I barely know her" Camila said trying not to cry

"You spent a lot of time with Lucy it's normal" Olivia said pulling Camila close for a hug.

But what Olivia didn't know was that Camila was talking about Lauren.

"What the fuck!" Dinah yelled walking out of the garden and Lauren jumped and pushed Lucy away.

"Dinah" Lauren said and Dinah shook her head.

"She's no good for you Lauren don't you remember all the shit she put you through? You were an object to her, she treated you like nothing" Dinah yelled and Lauren shook her head.

"Yeah I remember but I can talk to or think about 100's of people but even to this day no one can make me smile like she can" Lauren said looking at Lucy and Dinah scoffed.

"Fine but you can pick up the pieces on your own because I'm not doing that again" Dinah said and walked to her car with Ally following behind her.

Lauren watched them walk away and then turned her eyes onto Camila who looked at her but not the way she was before, there was no emotion in the state, it was just a stare.

Camila walked away and Olivia looked at Lauren and smirked before wrapping her arm around Camila and helping her into her car.

"Are you sure you're making the right choice?" Lucy asked holding Lauren's hand.

"No" Lauren said.

Lucy frowned.

"But after all of this time you've still got my heart, when someone says your name my heart skips a beat. I think about you a lot more than I care to ever admit. You done horrible horrible things to be but for some reason I'm not mad, maybe time has made me forget. My mind blocks out all of the images of those times and I seem to think of the good times we had" Lauren said and Lucy smiled.

"I'm glad" Lucy replies and Lauren smiled.

"You better thank god for this because after what you done I was furious I mean I wanted to kill you, your actions hurt me bad and through everything I'm still in love with you" Lauren said.

Lucy smiled and kissed Lauren one more time.

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