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Lauren watched Lucy stand up and make her way round, her heart started racing and her body tensed as she reached the chair beside her.

"Look like gods working in my favour today" Lucy said and Lauren scoffed. 

"The Devil's working in mine" Lauren mumbled but Lucy still managed to hear what she said and she laughed.

"I say we sing about love and hate" Lucy suggested and Lauren nodded.

"Sure whatever" she replied bluntly and Lucy rolled her eyes and looked at Camila.

Camila and Ally were working well together Camila really liked her.

"I say we should sing about love, it's easier to write about" Camila said and ally nodded.

"I can't write music at all like lyrics, I'm good at playing instruments to a song but not writing" Ally said and Camila smiled.

"What if I write a song and I'll make the beat and you can chose what instruments we will play and stuff" Camila suggested and ally smiled.

"Sounds great, why don't you come over on Saturday, my friends will be round but we can go work on the song for a while and if you want to stay and hang out you can" ally suggested and Camila smiled.

"Yeah sounds good" Camila replied and ally smiled at her and Camila began writing.

Camila and Ally wrote the song and got to know each other a little better and as soon as the bell rang Camila was rushed by Lucy.

"It was lovely meeting you Ally I'll see you Saturday" Camila said and quickly grabbed her stuff and then followed Lucy out the class.

"What does she mean see you Saturday?" Lauren asked grabbing her bag and walking out the class with ally.

"I invited her to work on the song and I said if she wanted to stay and hang out she should" Ally said and Lauren groaned and Ally chuckled.

Camila didn't have any of her new friends in her class and she felt really awkward, she waited until the class seemed full and then walked inside and took an empty seat at a desk next to the window.

Camila pulled her stuff out her bag when someone approached her.

"That's my seat" the girl said and Camila smiled.

"I'm so sorry, can I sit here?" Camila asked and the girl nodded reluctantly realising that was the only free seat and sat beside her. "I'm Camila" she added and turned to face the girl.

"I'm Lauren, we met in the locker rooms" Lauren said and then Camila recognised her.

"Yeah you're friends with Dinah and Ally right?" Camila asked and Lauren spotted the teacher and just nodded in response.

Camila and Lauren never spoke the rest of the lesson, Camila paid close attention and Lauren was daydreaming out of the window. Lauren thought about how she would have to spend time with Lucy and an old major argument flashed back into her head.


"Lauren you honestly can blame me for hooking up with Kate, you gave up on me, on us" Lucy said and Lauren scoffed.

"Really? I gave up on YOU? we both know that's not true Lucy" Lauren said and Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Yes it is Lauren you gave up" Lucy said again and Lauren felt the pit of anger in her build up and she let it out.

"No, you left many times Lucy, and I was always there waiting for you to come back like a stupid lovestruck fool, and yeah I ended it but all you done was push me away, can you really expect me to stay if all you're going to do is push me away?"Lauren said and Lucy thought for a minute.

"Because I pushed you away, it doesn't give you an excuse to leave you know I have trust issues Lauren" Lucy said and Lauren roll her eyes getting more angry.

"No because you would have left a long time ago if the rolls were reversed and you know that's true, you wouldn't have stayed if all I done was push you away, I haven't done anything else but love you and be there for you but you gave up on us so don't try make yourself the victim. Do not blame this on me, because this whole time I was the one keeping us together" Lauren said and got out of Lucy's car and left.

End of flashback.

Lauren hated arguing with people and she argued with Lucy more than she would have liked too, they were toxic for one another but there was excitement in their relationship and that's why Lauren was drawn to her.

Lauren was broken out of her thoughts by the bell ringing and Camila standing up, Camila took a deep breath and turned to face Lauren.

"Maybe I'll see you around?" Camila asked not knowing why she did as they barely spoke that entire lesson, she never got a verbal response from Lauren instead Lauren just nodded and Camila took that as a yes and scurried out of the classroom and a few minutes later Lauren done the same.

Lauren was walking to her car when she was stopped by Lucy.

"Lauren" Lucy shouted and Lauren stopped and turned around and Lucy jogged to catch her.

"When are we working on the song?" Lucy asked and Lauren shrugged. "How about Friday?" Lucy asked.

"Sure" Lauren replied and went to turn around but was stopped once again by Lucy.

"It'll be at Camila's place, they have this killer music room and shit" Lucy said and Lauren nodded and walked away quickly so Lucy couldn't stop her again.


Camila was walking home, she had many thoughts bouncing about in her head but the main one was cheerleading, she hadn't really done it properly in a few months and she was nervous, she didn't know if she wanted to professionally compete again, facing the others would be hard.

She was also thinking of Lucy and Olivia, what was their sudden interest in her, she didn't think she was anything special but having two popular girls be beside you everywhere you go must mean she's doing something right.

She got home and she could hear her mum and dad fighting again, it wasn't even a distraction anymore for Camila she was so used to it she could drown it out but what she couldn't drown out was the occasional time her little sister would cry, Camila loved her mum and her dad also she loved them when they aren't arguing but she hates hearing them argue all the time and during the arguments Camila wonders why they don't just get a divorce.

Camila walked up to her room, having a feeling she wasn't going to get any dinner as her dad would storm out and her mum would go into her room and cry, she warned Camila and Sophie never to come in her room so Camila had no choice but to sit and listen to her mother cry and it was a horrible thing to listen to when she came in most days.

This time Camila refused to listen to her mother when she heard the bedroom door slam, she shot up and walked into her mothers room to see her curled up on her bed.

"Camila get out" her mother said softly and Camila didn't listen.

Instead she walked over to her mother and climbed onto the bed beside her and wrapped her arms around her as her mother broke down into tears and began sobbing. It was breaking Camila's heart, she knew she had to talk to her dad aswell but he storms out so she can never check up on him.

Camila held her mother until the sobbing stopped and she could hear faint snoring, she carefully got off the bed, pulled the covers over her mother and quietly left the room.

She peaked her head into her little sisters room and saw her sitting with her headphones in writing away in what appeared to be her diary. Camila watched her for a moment before quietly closing her door and walking downstairs. Camila began to cook some dinner for her mother and sister, she could only cook pasta so that would have to do.

Camila put the pasta on plates and grabbed the two and walked upstairs, she gently kicked her sisters door open and sofi looked up at her and her face lit up when she saw the food.

"Thankyou" she said kindly before taking the plate out of her older sisters hand.

Camila sat her mums plate at the side of her bed as she didn't want to wake her but that changed when the front door slammed shut.

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