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Camila walked downstairs and saw her dad sitting at the table with his head in his hands and Camila sighed.

"Papi?" Camila said getting his attention as she walked over and sat next to him. 

"Hey sweetie" he replied and Camila noticed how tired he looked.

"Is everything okay?" Camila asked and her father nodded.

"Everything's fine" he said but Camila didn't believe him.

"Are you and mom going to get a divorce?" Camila asked and her father visibly tensed. 

"I don't know, I think it's a talk your mother and I will need to have" Alejandro replied before standing up and disappearing into his study.

Camila stayed sitting and thought about how hard her mother would take the divorce, her father is the one who made them move here and then if they split up will her mother move back to California? What would happen with Camila? Or sofi?- these were the thoughts running through her mind.

Camila was snapped out of her thoughts when there was a knock on her door and she assumed she had to get it because it was apparent no one else would.

She opened the door.

"Dinah?" Camila said confused when she saw Dinah standing in front of her smiling.

"Hey" Dinah said and Camila was just confused.

"How do you know where I live?" She asked and Dinah just shrugged.

"Come on" she said nodding at Camila and then at her car in the driveway.

"One sec" she said opening the door for Dinah to come in.

Camila ran upstairs to check on her sister who was asleep on her bed, so she ran into her room grabbed her jacket and her keys before jogging downstairs and grabbing her phone.

"Ready" Camila said and Dinah smiled and walked out of the house and to Camila's car.

The two got in and Dinah started directing Camila to where she planned to take her, they were currently driving down some street and Camila was confused but just kept driving.

"Stop" Dinah said and Camila pulled the car over and they both got out.

Dinah grabbed Camila by the arm and led her up a set of stairs leading to a house.

"Dinah where are we?" Camila asked not wanting just to show up at someone's house.

Dinah ignored her and knocked on the door and almost instantly it opened, it was a guy.

He opened the door wider and Dinah pulled Camila in, Camila noticed a group of people sitting on the couch.

"Hi I'm Nathan" he said smiling at Camila.

"I'm Camila, you have a nice place" she said nervously and he smiled.

"Thank you" he replied gesturing her to sit down.

"Guys this is Camila" Dinah said as Camila sat down on a empty chair as Nathan stood beside her.

Camila looked around and she didn't really know anyone and it made her feel awkward, so she turned to Nathan.

"Can I use your bathroom please?" Camila asked and he nodded and opened his mouth to direct her but he was cut off.

"I'll show her" a girl said standing up and Camila smiled at Nathan and stood up and followed the girl.

"So how are you enjoying your first day?" The girl asked.

"It's good so far yeah, don't really know what I'm doing here though" Camila said and the girl chuckled.

"Because Dinah doesn't drive so she appointed you as her new taxi service" the girl laughed as she said and that made Camila laugh.

"Brilliant" Camila replied biting her lip to hide her smile.

"I'm Daisy" she said stopping outside of a room.

"Camila" was all Camila replied before waking into the bathroom and Daisy leaned against the wall and shook her head.

Camila didn't need the toilet but she also didn't intend to have someone waiting for her outside so she quickly pulled out her phone and saw she had texts.

LUCY: hey
OLIVIA: Can you pick me up in the morning?
DINAH: Get it girl

Camila quickly replied to all of the messages before flushing the toilet which she didn't even use and washing her hands and walking out.

"You okay?" Daisy asked smirking at Camila.

"Yeah" Camila replied and Daisy gave her a look

"You didn't even need the toilet did you?" Daisy asked with a chuckle and Camila just shrugged and walked back into the lounge where the others were.

She looked at Dinah who winked at her and Camila just shook her head and sat back down on the chair she was previously sat on.

"You find it okay?" Nathan asked and Camila nodded and he smiled.

For a couple hours Camila mixed and mingled with everyone there and she made friends with them all pretty quickly but it was late and they had school tomorrow.

"Bye guys" Dinah shouted and they all said bye.

Camila waved and she began to walk out of the door when Nathan grabbed her wrist.

"Can I have your number?" He asked and Camila smiled and nodded

She smiled when he was fumbling to find his phone.

"It's in the kitchen I'll be one minute" he said running to the kitchen.

As soon as he left Daisy walked over with her phone out and she placed it in Camila's hands.

"Can I get it too?" She asked and Camila smiled and typed in her number and daisy smiled and walked away.

"I got it" she heard Nathan shout and run back over to Camila who was smiling at him.

She typed in his number and he walked Camila and Dinah to Camila's car and he opened the door for Camila to get in.

"Come back soon" he said to both Dinah and Camila and Camila began to drive.

"You got both Daisy and Nathan's numbers didn't you?" Dinah asked and Camila just smiled and that was all Dinah needed to start squealing.

"Calm down Dinah" Camila said chuckling and Dinah stopped squealing.

"You've not even been here for a week and you've already got like everyone drooling over you" Dinah said and Camila shook her head.

"No ones drooling over me Dinah" Camila said and Dinah scoffed

"Lucy, Olivia, Nathan, Daisy heck I even Catch Lauren and half the football team looking at you" Dinah said and Camila shook her head and just kept driving.

"Where do you live?" Camila asked.

"Just across the street from you" Dinah said and Camila raised her eyebrow.

"So that's how you knew where I lived" Camila said and Dinah chuckled.

She pulled up in her driveway and both the girls got out, Dinah gave Camila a quick hug goodbye and ran across the street and into her house and Camila shook her head and walked into her own house.

She didn't even bother to see anyone she just trudged up into her room and basically passed out once her head hit the pillow.

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