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Camila was woken by the sound of her phone pinging on her bedside table, groaning she reached over and answered it.

"Hello" Camila said in her groggy morning voice.

"Hey you're awake" Olivia said on the other end.

"I am now" Camila said.

"I'll pick you up in 10 we are going to the mall" Olivia said and hung up the phone.

Meanwhile Lauren never slept she always had struggle sleeping ever since the incident, the doctor prescribed her pills and she took them all summer but recently she's stopped taking them.

Lauren got out of her bed and made her way down to get some coffee when she had an encounter with her parents, Lauren sort of aimed to avoid all human interactions she prefers to be alone.

"Morning hun" Clara says as Lauren makes her way to the pot of coffee.

"Morning" Lauren mumbled and her mother was only just able to make out what she said.

Lauren quickly poured herself a cup of coffee, grabbed an apple and practically raced back up to her room.

Lauren's mum sighed when Lauren left she didn't know what was going on as far as she knew Lauren was over what happened but clearly not.

Whilst Lauren sat in her room with the music playing faintly in the background as she ate her breakfast alone. Camila was being dragged into the mall by Olivia.

"Come on Camila" Olivia whined trying to get Camila to show a little bit of enthusiasm.

"Fine, let's shop" Camila said with a hint of sarcasm but Olivia took it and the pair shopped for hours and Camila was surprisingly enjoying herself.

After hours of shopping they sat at the food court and  Camila's phone buzzed.

Ally: Hey when you coming over?

"Shit" Camila cursed 

Camila: be there soon

"What?" Olivia asked confused.

"I have to work on a project with Ally today and I forgot" Camila said putting her trash on the tray and throwing it away.

"I'll drive you let's go" Olivia said grabbing her bags and Camila done the same and they scurried to the car and Olivia drove as quickly as she could to get to ally's for Camila.

They pulled up in Ally's driveway and Camila jumped out of the car and before shutting the door looked at Olivia.

"Thank you so much I owe you" Camila said and Olivia smiled at her and Camila sprinted up to ally's door and chapped it promptly.

Ally led Camila into the kitchen where they were presumably going to compose their song.

"How are you?" Camila asked hoping Ally knew what she was asking.

"I'm getting there I mean it only happened last night" Ally said and Camila admired how well Ally was accepting the break up.

"You're stronger than this heartbreak Ally and you'll get through it and come out stronger in the end" Camila said and ally smiled fondly at Camila.

After hours of writing they finished composing the lyrics of the song and all that was left was the instruments and the title and they would be done.

"Hey um Dinah and Lauren are coming over if you maybe want to stay and hang out?" Ally asked seeming nervous and Camila smiled.

"Sounds like fun" Camila said smiling at Ally who nodded in response. "Do you want to talk about Troy?" Camila added.

"I didn't think it would be this hard, I knew something was off I was preparing myself for this........Why's this so hard?" Ally whined and Camila grabbed her hand.

"Because you were used to waking up knowing he was yours, and you may have prepared but nothing can prepare you from losing the things your used to. It's all about the things you are used too and you're used to having him, you're used to talking to him everyday. It's like a habit that you just can't quit. In the end you'll realise how bad it was for you and how much better you deserve.... it will get better" Camila explained.

Ally sat for a minute processing Camila's words.

"My mama always told me not to cry over someone who killed your smile" Ally said and Camila smiled.

"She's right" Camila said.

The door went before either one could say anything else, Ally looked at Camila and smiled before getting up to let Dinah and Lauren in.

"Hey Mila" Dinah said plopping down beside Camila on the couch.

"Hey D" Camila said smiling at her and looking at Lauren who unsurprisingly wasn't looking at Camila.

"How are you Ally?" Dinah asked and Ally smiled and glanced at Camila

"I'm good thanks" Ally said with a smile.

Dinah opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the door.

"Is Normani meant to come over?" Ally asked standing up and Lauren shook her head.

Ally opened the door with a smile but it was soon wiped off her face when she saw who was there.

"Ally who is it?" Dinah asked jumping off the couch and jogging to the door.

"Shit" Dinah said when she reached the door.

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