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Camila pulled up at her house and Olivia looked at her unsure if she should say something. But she didn't have to Camila groaned and started hitting the steering wheel, the tears running down her face as she began to violently sob, she whole body was shaking and she couldn't catch her breath.

Olivia jumped out of the car and sprinted around to the drivers side and crouched beside Camila who was crying like every feeling she bottled in has just started to come to the surface and she is exploding.

"Camila hey hey it's me look at me" Olivia said grabbing her hand and she was shocked when Camila began to calm down a bit.

"I-I-I" Camila began and got frustrated when she couldn't get the words out.

"Let's go inside" Olivia said and she scooped Camila out of her seat and Camila hid her face in the crook of Olivia's neck. She was shaking.

Olivia lay her down on the couch and Camila curled up like a ball, Olivia was about to text Dinah to not come over but she was too late because just as she was about to text her the door went.

"Dinah I don't" Olivia began as she opened the door but Dinah and Ally pushed their way into the house and froze when they saw Camila lying on the couch.

"Mila what's wrong?" Dinah said crouching down beside Camila who lay there still and didn't say anything.

Olivia gave Dinah a look and nodded to the kitchen and Ally and Dinah followed her into the kitchen.

"What happened?" Dinah asked and Olivia sighed.

"I think something happened with Lauren I don't know what exactly happened but something definitely happened" Olivia said and the three discussed it but while they were in the kitchen they didn't hear the door go.

Camila heard the door go and waited for someone to answer but no one did so she grabbed the blanket from behind the couch wrapped it round her and walked to the door

She opened the door, there stood Lucy and Lauren, Lauren couldn't bring herself to look at Camila where as Lucy stood with a smirk. Camila went to slam the door but Lucy put her foot in the way and the door swung open and Lucy and Lauren walked in.

"D-Dinah" Camila said her voice shaking and Dinah came jogging out the kitchen and halted when she saw the couple standing in the doorway and Olivia and Ally came running out.

"What are you doing here?" Olivia spat and wrapped her arms around Camila.

"Hanging out with friends what do you think?" Lucy said with a smirk.

"Leave" Dinah said staring at Lucy.

Lucy opened her mouth and was cut off by Camila stepping forward.

"Get out please" Camila said, her voice so soft.

Lauren dragged Lucy out of the house and Camila walked upstairs leaving the others looking at each other unsure of what to do.

Dinah began to walk upstairs and the rest started to follow but Dinah told them not to and she went up alone.

"Hey Camila" Dinah said slowly walking into the room where Camila lay.

"Hi" Camila said forcing herself to smile at Dinah.

"Are you okay?" Dinah asked sitting on the edge of Camila bed.

"Yeah I'm being silly I barley knew them both so I'll get over it" Camila said with a smile and Dinah frowned.

"It's okay to be sad you lost two people at the same time and one lied to you and used you" Dinah said and Camila sighed.

"I hadn't forgotten" Camila said with a chuckle. "I just want to move on and get over it so that's what I'm going to do"

"That's the best thing to do I think" Dinah said and Camila nodded and got out of bed even though she didn't want to.

She walked downstairs with Dinah and saw Olivia and Ally looking at her and she smiled.

"Let's watch a movie or something" Camila said and Ally and Olivia seemed surprised that she was speaking and seemed okay.

"I'll put on music so we can just sit and talk" Dinah said and everyone nodded.

They spent hours sitting talking and laughing and it made Camila feel much better and Dinah and the other noticed she felt better too.

The next few days Camila managed to avoid Lucy and she would see Lauren at times if she was with Dinah the pair were civil even though Camila was still hurt by what Lauren done but she has to move on from that because she can't change that past.

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