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Lauren and Dinah walked into the locker room followed by others who either didn't tryout or didn't make it. They walked in and saw all the girls standing around Camila who looked very uncomfortable.

"How are you so good?" Olivia asked and Camila smiled.

"I cheered at my old school we went to state championships" Camila said and Lauren noticed humble she was being it was as if Camila didn't care.

All the other cheerleaders squealed and began talking about how amazing that was. Camila felt uncomfortable so she politely excused herself and pushed out of the group. She got out and she looked up and saw two girls standing looking at her, Camila smiled politely and then made her way to the restrooms.

"At least she isn't as bitchy as the rest the others scowl at us she smiled" Dinah said and Lauren nodded in agreement.

Camila came back and she got changed in the bathroom and she rejoined the group.

"Hey Olivia is it break now?" Camila asked and olivia smiled.

"Yeah" she replied sweetly and Camila nodded and sat on the bench in front of Dinah and Lauren.

Dinah looked at Lauren and smiled.

"Hey it's Camila right?" Dinah said sitting beside her grabbing her attention.

"Yeah" Camila replied.

"I'm Dinah and this is Lauren" Dinah introduced and Camila looked at Lauren who just started back with a blank expression and Camila smiled and turned back to Dinah.

"Nice too meet you both" Camila replied sweetly.

"You were really good" Dinah said and Camila smiled shyly.

"Wow Thankyou, did you tryout?" Camila asked and Dinah shook her head and Camila chuckled.

Before either of them could say anything Olivia and her group came over to Camila.

"Ready Camila?" Olivia asked and Camila stood up and nodded.

"It was so nice to meet you guys" Camila said to Lauren and Dinah before grabbing her bag and walking out of the locker room with Olivia and the rest of the cheerleaders.

"See she's not so bad" Dinah said closing her locker.

"Give her a day" Lauren said sounding very pessimistic, Lauren had no faith that Camila wouldn't end up like Olivia and the rest of her friends, all the pretty ones do.

Lauren and Dinah made their way out of the locker rooms and to the cafeteria to join the rest of their friends, they walked in and Dinah spotted Lucy talking to Camila.

"She doesn't waste any time does she?" Dinah said and nodded over at Lucy and Camila, Lauren rolled her eyes at the sight and sat down at the table beside her friends.

"Hey guys" Dinah said to her friends and the all began to talk about their first classes and teachers.

Lauren on the other hand drowned it out, she was looking at Camila who had her back against the wall and Lucy who stood rather close to her, Lauren wished she knew what they were saying but she couldn't make any of it out, Lucy was obviously flirting and Camila well lauren was unsure if Camila was enjoying it.

"Lauren?" Dinah said tapping Lauren, grabbing her attention.

"Yeah?" Lauren said looking at Dinah.

"Are you okay?" Ally asked and Lauren nodded.

Lauren looked back over to where they were standing but they're gone, Camila was now back sitting at her table and Lucy was probably round the back getting stoned like she did when she was with Lauren.

"How does she just get here and is already so popular?" Normani complained and the table looked over at Camila who was now talking to some football player.

"Well she's hot, she can cheerlead and Olivia probably has a thing for her" Dinah said, Lauren never made any comment on the topic instead she kept her head down.

Lucy walked back into the cafeteria and waltzed straight up to Lauren. 

"Hey Laur" Lucy said and Lauren tensed and slowly turned around.

"What do you want?" Lauren snapped and Lucy smirked.

"What do you think of new girl? I think she's just as willing as you, I bet she would do anything I asked and more, maybe she will do what you done and maybe more" Lucy said and tucked a strand of hair behind Lauren's ear.

Lauren rolled her eyes at Lucy.

"You're so pretty Lauren, keep frowning and people won't think so anymore" Lucy said and walked away and up to the cheerleaders table.

Lauren watched as Olivia, smiled at Lucy as she approached them and Lucy walked over to Camila. Lucy pulled a seat over beside her and Olivia nudged Camila and winked at her.

Lauren tore her eyes off the table and kept her head down until the bell rang and once it did lauren couldn't have gotten out of the cafeteria any faster, Dinah had to run to catch up with her.

"Music next" Camila said to Lucy and Lucy smiled.

"Me too" Lucy replied and threw her arm over Camila's shoulders and they walked to the classroom.

Lucy and Camila walked into the class room, Camila in her cheerleader outfit like the rest of the cheerleaders and Lucy still with her arm over Camila's shoulders. Lauren looked up as she heard people walk in, she made eye contact with Camila who smiled sweetly at her before Lucy pulled Camila onto the seat next to her which was beside Lauren and Ally.

"Good morning class, we have a new student today please stand up introduce yourself and tell us why you chose music." The teacher said and Camila stood up.

"Em I'm Camila and I chose music because my dad was in a band and he made me fall in love with music" Camila said and then sat back down.

"What band was he in?" The teacher asked.

"He was the bass player for the renegades" Camila said and the whole class began to murmur.

"I loved that band" the teacher said and Camila smiled awkwardly.

The teacher changed the subject and Camila looked around the class taking in her surroundings.

Lauren watched as Lucy had her arm around the back of Camila's chair and Camila leaned back in her chair and Lucy smiled at her.

"I am going to pair you up and you will write a song about love, hate, friendship I don't mind and perform it in two weeks" the teacher said and Lucy groaned.

Camila chuckled at Lucy and Lucy put her head on Camila's shoulder and Camila tapped her arm in a joking sympathetic way.

"So we will have Lucy Vives and Lauren Jauregui" he said and Lucy looked at lauren who rolled her eyes.

"Ally Brooke and Camila Cabello" He said and as he listed the other pairs Camila looked around Not sure who Ally was.

"Go move beside your partner" he said, Lucy groaned and stood up and smiled at Camila before going beside Lauren.

"You're Camila right?" Ally said standing in front of Camila's desk and Camila nodded.

"Yeah and I assume your ally?" Camila asked and ally smiled and nodded as she sat down.

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