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"Ally I am so sorry" Camila panicked not knowing what to say.

Ally smiled at her but the mascara which stained her cheeks indicated to Camila that it was a fake smile.

"This won't be the first time you get hurt Ally, but you know you just have to find the ones who are worth suffering for" Daisy chimed in and Camila looked at her in awe of what she just said.

"Daisy's right and the worst part is the only person who can make you feel better is the one who's breaking your heart" Camila added and she saw Daisy nodding.

Camila glances at Lauren who looked uncomfortable and her eyes were looking rather watery, Camila wondered what Lauren's deal was but she was too afraid to ask so she just let her mind drift to all of the possibilities.

"Camila do you have any ice cream?" Dinah asked looking through Netflix on Camila's TV.

"No but there's a store like 5 minutes away I can go get some" Camila said slipping her shoes on.

"Thanks, Lauren will come with you" Normani chimed in and Lauren shot her a dagger before standing up and following Camila out of the house.

"I get that you don't like me so you don't have to come" Camila said getting into the car and Lauren nodded but still got into the car.

Camila waited until Lauren put her seatbelt on making sure Lauren was coming before driving.

They pulled up at the store and Camila saw Lucy's truck parked across the lot.

"Brilliant" Camila sighed and Lauren looked at her confused but never commented.

Camila and Lauren walked into the store and Camila quickly grabbed the ice cream wanting to avoid Lucy but she knew it was inevitable.

"Hey Camila" Lucy said as the walked past each other.

"Hey Luce" Camila said smiling.

Lucy smiled at Camila and frowned when she saw Lauren walking towards them and quickly changed expressions into a smirk when Lauren got to Camila.

"Hey Lauren" Lucy said with a smirk and Lauren didn't say anything instead she took the ice cream from Camila and walked to the check out.

"You're with her?" Lucy asked and Camila shook her head.

"Ally got dumped we're just here for ice cream" Camila said and looked at the door where Lauren was waiting. "Gotta go bye"

Camila practically ran to the door.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know she was here" Camila said and Lauren just nodded and got into the car.

They walked back into the house and Lauren chucked the ice cream at Dinah before giving Normani a scolding look and Camila frowned as she watched it.

"Camila come here" Daisy said and Camila smiled and sat down beside her.

Daisy shifted so she could whisper to Camila.

"Are you okay?" Daisy whispered and Camila glance at Lauren who was staring at the tv and Camila looked back at Daisy.

"I don't know what Lauren's issue is with me, I'm trying to be her friend but she isn't giving me anything back" Camila said and Daisy smiled sadly at her.

"Don't take it to heart hun I mean Lauren's like that with everyone ever since the summer anyone who's not in her close friend group she doesn't talk to" Daisy said trying to reassure Camila.

Camila smiled at daisy and got up and walked into the kitchen, she leaned against the table and put her head in her hands.

Lauren heard Camila and Daisy's conversation and she noticed Camila get up and she couldn't help but feel bad so she waited a minute before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

Camila looked up when she heard footsteps approaching and smiled as she saw Lauren.

"Look, I don't have an issue with you I just am very reserved" Lauren said and leaned against the counter.

"You don't even talk to me, I try to talk to you but you're just so cold towards me" Camila whined and walked towards Lauren.

"I'm sorry" Lauren said and looked at the floor.

Camila didn't say anything, instead she looked at Lauren gave her a small smile before disappearing out of the kitchen.

Lauren watched Camila walk out and she was mentally scolding herself and once Camila was out of sight she shook her head and put her head in her hands and groaned.

"Wow what's up?" Daisy said with a chuckled and walked in the kitchen.

Lauren looked up at Daisy and shook her head before beginning to walk out but daisy grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Be nice to her or you'll have me to deal with" daisy warned and let go of Lauren and Lauren scurried out of the kitchen.

"Ally how are you?" Camila asked sitting down next to her and ally sighed.

"I'm hurting Camila, like I'm sorry this is the first impression you get of me" Ally said with a chuckled and Camila shook her head.

"Ally, you loved him more than he deserved so he hurt you much more than you deserved" Camila said and Ally smiled sadly at her.

"I think we should take Ally home so she can sleep it off" Normani said standing up and holding her hand out for Ally.

Ally stood up gave Camila a hug before grabbing Normani's hand and following her out to her car to wait for Dinah to join them.

"I'll see you tomorrow when you come over to work with Ally tomorrow" Dinah said grabbing her keys.

"Sure" Camila replied with a smile.

"Daisy do you need a lift since I'm dropping them off?" Dinah asked, even though she lived across the street she still had to drop everyone else off.

"Sure thanks" Daisy said giving Camila a hug before disappearing outside not long followed by Dinah.

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