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Camila took Olivia over to her place and was sitting downstairs allowing Olivia to have a nap when someone knocked on the door.

Camila got up and opened the door when she froze at the sight of Lauren standing at her front door.

"Can I come in?" Lauren asked and Camila didn't say anything instead she walked back over to the couch and sat down.

Lauren sighed and walked into the house and sat awkwardly on the seat furthest away from Camila.

"I'm sorry" Lauren said with her eyes glued to the floor.

"For what?" Camila asked and Lauren sighed.

"For upsetting you I don't know just for whatever I've done" Lauren said and Camila shook her head.

"I thought we had some sort of instant connection like not even romantic like as friends and I'm so hurt because I was stupid enough to believe you felt it too" Camila said and Lauren shook her head.

"I do feel it Camila" Lauren said finally looking at Camila.

"You finally opened up to me and I was so happy considering I've only known you a couple days and then you get with Lucy who treated you like shit and was going to the same to me Lauren" Camila said and Lauren's eyes dropped back to the floor.

"I know and I'm sorry" Lauren said and Camila blinked her tears away.

"You should go I need to be with Olivia right now I don't have time for my problems" Camila said standing up and Lauren nodded.

Lauren walked to the door and opened it but turned around before leaving.

"Just know I didn't want to leave you, our friendship, you pushed me away" Lauren said and Camila didn't reply she just watched Lauren exit the house before dropping back onto the couch.

Camila didn't let her tears fall instead she forced herself to keep them in.

"Camila come on pull it together she's not worth your tears" Camila said to herself.

She composed herself and stood up she turned round to go check on Olivia but froze when she saw Olivia standing at the stairs with a sympathetic expression.

"You're awake....do you want soup? Or water? I could jump down to the Chinese and pick up spring rolls or something" Camila began to ramble.

Olivia appreciated the kindness coming from Camila but she thought about what she heard and it made her sad.

"I don't want to prevent you from dealing with your problems Camila" Olivia said and Camila shook her head and walked over to Olivia.

"No it's not like that, I want to help you and be there for you...you're more important than anyone causing me drama" Camila said placing her hand on Olivia's shoulder.

Olivia smiled and took a step closer to Camila,she noticed Camila's eyes flicker down to her lips and pause for a brief moment before looking back up at her eyes.

Olivia wanted Camila to kiss her but she knew it wasn't the right moment.

"Spring rolls?" Olivia said and Camila snapped out of her gaze and smiled.

"I-um-Yeah lets go" Camila stuttered and turned to grab her keys and Olivia smiled thinking about what just happened.

Camila and Olivia decided to sit in at the Chinese restaurant as they've been cooped up for the past few days.

"So how are you?" Camila asked and Olivia smiled for a moment before having a serious expression.

"I don't need him, my mum doesn't need him and even if she doesn't realise it just yet she will" Olivia said and Camila smiled.

"You can stay at mine for as long as you want" Camila said and Olivia smiled.

"Won't your parents mind?" Olivia asked and Camila tensed.

"They're on a trip for three weeks" Camila said averting her gaze from Olivia.

"Why didn't you go?" Olivia asked and Camila sighed.

"I wasn't invited I came home to a note on the table" Camila said and Olivia frowned.

The pair spent the rest of the dinner talking about how messed up their lives were.

They spent the next few weeks at Camila's house and somehow Camila forgot about Lauren and Daisy and Lucy and her and Olivia had a great friendship.

Camila's parents extended their trip to a tour around Africa until the new year so Camila enjoyed having Olivia around for company.

Camila decided it was time to face reality so she got up and woke Olivia up and told her they were going to the mall and that seemed to perk up Olivia who sprung out of bed and jumped in the shower.

They arrived at the mall and Camila told Olivia she can get what she wanted, Camila tried to make Olivia feel better knowing she would have to face everyone at school tomorrow so she wanted to do a little retail therapy.

Camila had gotten a few new outfits and a few pairs of shoes and Olivia bought a few jackets and some belts and Jeans.

The pair walked to the food court and were standing in comfortable silence as they waited to be served but the silence didn't last long when Camila heard her name.

"Camila!" Dinah shouted and Camila turned around with a smile on her face.

"Hey Dinah" Camila said and gave Dinah a hug but saw Lauren and Ally standing behind.

"How are you? I mean we haven't really spoken since the whole BBQ thing" Dinah said and Camila squeeze her fists tightly.

"I'm great and yeah I know sorry I've been an awful friend" Camila said softly and Dinah frowned.

"It's not your fault I get it" Dinah said and Camila looked over Dinah's shoulder.

"Hey Ally how are you?" Camila asked and Ally smiled.

"I'm doing fine, that song was incredible by the way, the one we performed" Ally said and Camila smiled.

"Yeah I guess I just wrote what I felt" Camila said and Ally smiled sadly at her.

Camila's eyes scanned over Lauren but she never said anything instead she inhaled sharply and looked back at Dinah.

"It was good seeing you" Camila said smiling and Dinah nodded.

"We should hang out soon" Dinah said and Camila nodded.

"Sure, I'll call you" Camila said and the three walked away.

Camila was watching Lauren as she walked away but jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Olivia said sounding concerned.

"I'm great" Camila lied and looked back at Lauren who sat back and the table they were at but her attention was grabbed by the server.

Camila and Olivia ate their food in another part of the food court and they prepared themselves for tomorrow as both were dreading it but neither said anything.

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