HopeKook ft. fuckin'

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Jungkook gets fed up with listening to his roommate fuck every night and decides to confront him.


a/n i hated how this turned out so im fixing it..

"Daddy~ r-right there oh-oh god!"

It was supposed to be a peaceful and quiet night for Jungkook but, looks like that wasn't going to be happening anytime soon. Especially being the fact that he had to share a room with an annoying bastard, who not only brings his little flings into their shared dorm room, but fucks them here too.

And Jungkook put up with it, for a reason he was ashamed to admit. But he was getting tired of it. At first, it was bearable. Waking up in the middle of the night to hear grunts and low moans next to him. But then it got unbearable.

They began getting louder, and more...exotic than Jungkook would've liked.

And so, here he was, laying in bed trying to block out the noises like he used to but, something was different. He didn't know what but he didn't like it. It kept him up annoyingly so.

"H-harder~" his fling whined.

And if it weren't for the fact that his roommate was so sexy, so charming, and so bright; and maybe if he wasn't shamefully turned on, he would've decked him right in the face.

Because who in their right mind would think that this is ok to do? Especially when you're in the same room as your roommate. In fact, Jungkook would rather prefer it be him who he wasted that dancer stamina on instead.

The thought sent a blush to his cheeks as he slowly gathered up the courage to peak open an eye. He was met with a dark wall, thankful he didn't sleep facing him.

And thankful the lights were off and window was open because..this room would stink if it weren't for his inscents. All he heard was skin slapping and grunts and groans, and to say he didn't feel his little weewee jerk would be a lie but it's not like he would say that aloud.

He sat up fully, finally taking a look at the dark figures fucking each other. He cringed and shook his head, blowing out a little breath.

He tiptoed out his bed, and made his way to the light switch. He flipped it on and grinned inside his head as the two screamed.

Hoseok, his roommate was under a blonde haired guy with tan skin and a boxy face.

He was cute, no wonder Hoseok would be attracted to him but, couldn't they do it somewhere else or ya know, not at all?

"Jungkook what the fuck!"

Jungkook huffed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as the fling gathered up his things and rushed out the room.

Hoseok covered himself and glared at Jungkook who looked away, turning the light back off and getting in his bed.

He sighed himself to sleep.


Jungkook woke the next warming feeling extremely warm. That definitely wasn't his cover. He also noticed a flowery smell flowing through the room, and as he adjusted his eyes through the brightness, he saw a huge stuffed bunny holding a heart and a card rested upon its left foot.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and as he tried to sit up, the arms around his waist grew tighter.

He jumped and looked to see it was just Hoseok.


Hoseok was sleeping peacefully cuddled into Jungkooks back, snoring lightly. What the fuck was he doing in his bed?

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