YoonSeok ft. stay 1

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i wrote this in like 5 seconds.

this is a full story in the making but with a different ship. i think.

idk who i want to do it with yet but i like the plot.

plus ian updated in a while.

enjoy another crappy smut!


Yoongi sniffed once again that night as he went through all the old photos of him and his now ex-boyfriend.

His heart shattered into a million pieces when the news broke to him.


Yoongi had just gotten off of work when he recieved the call.

The familiar ringtone of his boyfriend calling put a smile on his face. He answered excitedly. "Hey baby."

"We need to talk." His heart thundered in his chest as he heard those words. He never sounded so serious before. A sudden nervousness settled within the pits of his stomach.

"O-ok. When do you want to meet?"

"Now. Go to Lilis." And then there was a click. He speed walked to his car, heart pounding with every step.

What if he was going to break up with him? What if he found someone else? Did he not love him anymore? Was not he good enough?

All these questions rang throughout his mind as he drove downtown to the cafe.

Sadly it was only 10 minutes away from his job, though he wishes it were longer for this moment.

He turned off the ignition and took a deep breath, willing himself to get out the car. He saw him perched up at a table near the window.

His nerves increased tenfold with every step he took closer to the awaiting male.

The door opened and the bell dinged, signalling a new customer.

He forced himself to walk over to where his boyfriend sat. "H-hey."

"Sit." was what he got in a stern voice. "W-what do we need to t-talk about?" he asked with a shaky breath.

"We need to break up."

His world came crashing down. "W-what? Why?"

"I got a promotion. But I need to move. And I don't want you dragging me down. So we need to break up." All this was said with emotionless eyes and an uncaring tone.

Yoongi felt tears cascade down his cheeks.

"F-fine if..t-that's what you want. And to t-think I was going to p-propose to..you?" That seemed to have shocked the male but before he could say anything Yoongi ran out the cafe.


And now here he was, a week later. Still reminiscing of the past.

He needed to move on. He couldn't waste away like this.

He suddenly felt this determination grow deep inside of him.

He was never going to let anyway in his heart again.



Three Years Later

Yoongi stifled a laugh at the guy who tripped over himself multiple times in a row. He was at the mall shopping for new clothing, alone, and was currently watching a male trip over himself often.

It was too funny.

He blinked once to get the tears in his eyes to go away from laughing so much when he saw a familiar face walking in his direction.

Is that...?

He blinked again, and again.

He must have been dreaming. There was no way he was back.

But he was with someone. Another male with blonde hair.

Yoongi felt old feelings start to arise but he quickly pushed them down and gathered his things, seeing as they got closer.

He walked near a sex toy shop, that being the closest shop and hoped they didn't enter. Thank god they didn't.

He sighed in relief and walked around, looking at all the kinky items in the store.

He blushed, memories of the last time he had sex coming into play. It was wild night.

But then he got sad all over again and pushed it to the back of his mind. He glanced at a peculiar item, one he hasn't used in ages.

He picked up the circular glass, and admired it. He considered buying it. And he did.

As he walked up to the cashier two loud voices resounded in the shop.

One he recognized oh too well.

However the other, he didn't. It was obnoxious and loud much like his voice but more..annoying.

He hurriedly put the item on the register for the cashier to scan.

"What is your name sir?"

They were too close for his liking. He didn't want him to overhear.

"Sir, name?"

Sighing mentally in defeat he said, "Yoongi."

"ID please?" He looked in his wallet to find his ID and then handed it over to the cashier.

After quickly scanning it he handed it back along with the bag. "That'll be $23.45 sir."

He handed over the money and scurried out of the shop. Unaware of the trailing eyes following him.


It was 45 minutes later and he was still at the mall, on the other side of the building. He was sitting in a cafe they had alone in a seat in the back.

He was sipping his frappucino and browsing through Instagram when the bell dinged. The curious person he was, he looked up and was met with a pair of eyes he never wanted to see again.

He averted his gaze first after an intense staring battle that riled up emotions deep within him.

He began to drink his frappucino faster. But he was too late.

The now red haired male sat in the empty seat across from him.

"Hello Yoongi."

"Hello Hoseok."


i'm such a tease! smut in the next part i promise

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