JiKook ft.studying pt.2

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Two months. Two whole fucking months Jimin had last touched Jungkook and, even though under the circumstances it pained the fuck out of him and he didn't necessarily want it at that time, he loved it and he was most definitely not going to admit that.

But he still missed his daddy.

"Daddy?" Jungkook called out as he stepped into the cold dorm room. He sighed sadly to himself. Jimin once again wasn't here. He hasn't been here for three days, always telling him he was busy working or helping out one of the hyungs. Jungkook just quietly went along with it and cried himself to sleep the last couple nights. Even though Jimin always called him to reassure him that he still loved him and he really was working, he still felt lonely and unloved.

Is it wrong to crave human touch?

"Guess I'm sleeping by myself again." he mumbled to himself as he closed and locked the door and threw his bookbag near the entrance. Even though the dorm was quiet and cold, he still kept it clean, just in case he ever decided to come back.


He finished his homework, after having showered and ate, and was now just sitting on Jimins side of the bed. He really missed him, the late night cuddles, the morning kisses, afternoon talks, he missed it all. Even if it had only been three days since he'd last seen him, it's been two months since they were intimate, being Jungkook was always busy studying and Jimin working, neither really had the time.

His phone ringed signalling it was Jimin calling.

He picked it up after the third ring.

What he heard is what shocked him.

"I really love him, like a lot. I love his cute giggles. His adorable blushes. His bunny toothed smile. The way he snuggles into me when I cuddle him. His squishy cheeks. And don't get me started with those thick fuckung thighs. God, I love how it feels when they're around my neck. U-uh that's off topic. Anyway, I'm seriously considering proposing to him. Like he's the one I want until I fucking die. I want him all to myself. And if he ever tried to break up with me I'd kidnap him and keep him chained to a bed. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm crazy in love with him. Like seriously. I want to surprise him tonight. I bought him something I know he's been eyeing for a while. And it's been a while since- oh shit!"

Jungkook heard shuffling on the other line and then Jimins voice. "J-Jungkook?"

Oh, this wasn't meant to be heard.


"I didn't- I didn't know I had called."

"O-oh! My bad I didn't-"

"No it's okay baby. So I'm guessing you heard everything?"

"Y-yeah. And before you say anything yes I would love to be married to you and I would never try to break up with b-but I wouldn't mind being chained up to a bed."

Jimin chuckled, but it was more of a mischievious chuckle, that sent tingles down Jungkooks spine.

"Well I'm glad to hear that baby. Can you do me a favor?"


"I want you to wear that white lace set I got you, can you do that for me?"


"Good. And after you put it on I want you to tease yourself until I get there ok?"

"O-ok!" He felt the excitement bubble in his stomach. Finally, he was going to see his daddy and have some fun. "I'm on my way baby. Only teasing." And then he hung up.

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