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(Understood by few; mysterious or secret)


"I don't understand why I'm here." Sirena frowned at Elizabeth.

The brunette smiled at her before her butler gently poured some tea. Sirena furrowed her brows at him before giving the girl a pointed look, not wanting to deal with this today. "Liz, I really don't wanna have a tea party with you right now. It's literally almost eight in the night, what the hell are you even doing here?" Sirena was planning to hurry over to her bedroom and have the night to herself, but then Levi's cousin cane over, wanting to talk with her about something. "Couldn't you have just called me in the morning?"

She wondered why she was out in the gazebo in the first place and not in the living room.

"I only come over when it's important." She picked up the cup before gazing towards Sirena's. As her butler left, the blonde gazed tiredly at the female before sighing. "So, what is it about?"

Elizabeth sent her a charming smile. "Tell Levi to cut it out."


The smile withered away before a frown grew as Elizabeth's displeasure began to be visible to Sirena. "Levi keeps acting like a little bitch. Tell him to stop, man up, and do his work. Or at least let him pretend to give a crap about the business." His cousin huffed before placing the cup down a bit too harshly on the table. Sirena looked at her before crossing her arms and stiffly giving her a 'what the hell' look. Setting her tea down as well, she stood up. "You are literally wasting my time here when I could've been having at least ten minutes of sleep."

"Don't leave! We're not finished."

"You sleep with me tonight if you want."

"What? Why would I need sleep?"

"Because you look like you need it." Sirena snorted. "If you're not staying here and sleeping, or just leaving me alone tonight while you go and talk to Levi about the problem, then go home. I'm dead tired."

"Please, I'm begging you." The girl shot up from his seat and desperately cling onto her as she ranted on. "The brat won't stop coming over to my house! He's been pestering me about the party from when you saw him kiss another girl, and he's paranoid!" The blonde struggled fiercely as she stumbled over to the back door, trying to get inside of the house.

She was literally dragging Elizabeth with her.

But the blonde had to admit that it was kind of affecting her, too. Sometimes when Levi wasn't around to keep the company satisfied, she usually checks over their work from time to time and realized how much of a stress it is to keep them going. She started to help out a bit as well which made her throw a little fit since it should've been Levi doing it, not slacking off to God-knows-where.

From the corner of her eyes, Sirena glanced over to see Des, wagging his tail at the two of them with a sharp look in his eyes. It seems that he was irritated that the quiet was interrupted. "Des! Come here!" Sirena urges the dog.

Instinctively, the animal lunged to the both of them before Elizabeth scowled. "Back off you mangy mutt!" Des stopped and growled before slapping his tail on the ground and sitting there, not able to move.

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