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"okay, you ready to let go?"corbyn said. i nodded.

we were in his backyard, for fun, corbyn said that a little work out camp would get my dad off my mind for the night, and maybe even longer.

"welcome, to besson boot midnight!"corbyn smiled,shooting his hands up and spinning.

"idiot"i laugh.

"hey!you do not talk to your instructor that way! young oakley!"corbyn's voice became deep, he put a camouflage hat on. he put in index fingers up to each side of his face and wiped black ink on his cheeks.

i died of laughter, "wait...y-you look so fucking d-dumb corbs"

"blaire, i'm trying to be cool!" he whined.

"a-alright"i giggled.

"first, uh, we're running! no,let's..." he put is finger on his chin.

"we're running corbyn." i reminded him.

"right! let's go" corbyn ran out of his yard with me behind him. "did you forget yet?"

"it's been a second corbyn"i laughed.


as we were running, i realized that corbyn really did live in the richest part of town. he lived near jack, except, corbyns house was big, not enormous like jacks.

"do you ever see jack around here?" i ask as the street lights make corbyns face a yellow goldish color.

"all..the..time"corbyn was already panting. "h-he lives on the other part- fuck".

corbyn stopped and i started laughing, stopping in front of him.

"y-you're so weak!" i was dying at this point.

"i'm..only doing this to see you s-smile"he panted.

"corbyn, you sure about that?"i ask.

"can we just, wait till the morning?"he pouts.

i nod as we walk but the ten steps we ran. corbyn was ridiculous when it came to running or being productive. he would always make up and excuse to stop, or to not do it at all.

when we got to his back yard, he walked to the middle of the huge landscape of grass and laid in the middle, looking up.

i walked to him and laid down the opposite side on him, so the top of my head would be touching his. my hand were on my stomach as his were looking up at the stars.

"i've always loved space." he smiled.

"i know corbs." i whispered.

"you know according to an article i read, the solar system is a bizarre place with its alien planets." he giggled. it was the cutest giggle my best friend ever let out.

"just like earth!"i smiled.

"earth is a plant b" corbyn scoffed.

"i know that, corbyn. i was just saying that so it makes earth sound crazy."

"do you want to go back to school?" he asked, out of no where. corbyn never asked me these things. he respected what i chose to do.


"blaire, i miss you at school! it's always just me at lunch alone. i miss our laughs and talks. i miss walking to class together, a-and just being like normal best friends at school! i miss you, the old you." corbyn snapped. he never told me these things.

"the old me?so you don't like me now?" i frowned.

"that's not what i meant." he took a breathe. "what i meant was i miss seeing you happy. when you laughed when i was panting, it made me burst into little... pieces! i melted hearing that giggle!"

i sat up, "corbyn, its to late for me to go back."

i turned around to face him as he was still laying down.

"i just want you back in school, that's all" he put his eyes on me.

i tried to bring up the mood,"we can go to college together?"

"how are you going to go to college if you haven't graduated and gone to school in like, two years?" he looked back at the sky.

i knew he was mad. corbyn is the type of person who kind of wants to spend every second with me. i don't mind, i love the guy so much.

"corbyn, i'll go back to school," his eyes lit up as he looked back at me, "but online."

"blaire!" he groaned.

jack and corbyn tried to get my to study, even if jack just tried a day or two ago. i think it was best if i went back, but not to public school. homeschool was something i've always wanted to do anyways.

"with that, you can help me when you come back from your school!" i shrugged, "maybe the school will even let me graduate with you!"

he sat up and faced me, "promise you'll go back to school and work your ass off?"


"we never break promises blaire." he crossed his arms over his chest.

"i promise," i sighed. "but only if you promise to help me get through it."

he put his right hand over his heart"i corbyn mathew besson, promise to help my blaire oakley with school and always support the shit out of her."

i copied his actions, "and i blaire oakley, promise to be homeschooled, but unless i hate it and get stressed out, i'm leaving."

he shoved my shoulder.



"i promise corbyn." i laughed.


"i hate you".

"aw, i love you too!" he attacked me with a hug that made me fall back on the grass. "we're signing you up tomorrow."

i groaned.

a/n: someone please get me a corbyn😔
i've been very soft lately, so here take this fluffy chapter! :]

see u next time💞.

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