Chapter VIII

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Act II of Devotion: Endurance
Chapter VIII: The Good Life

'I remembered talking to the white queen a few years ago when she had returned from what would be her last visit to Storm's End. She loved it there. The beautiful and frightening Shipbreaker's Bay, the strong walls and towers of Storm's End. Leila adored it there, going there to recuperate often when she was ill or in need to get away from court life. She smiled every time she talked about it.

When I asked her about what Storm's End meant to her, I felt such a fool to be so blivious when she told me all those stories in my youth, perhaps I was just too deaf to hear or just too stuck into the books she would gift me from her travels but she told me that Storm's End was the place where she had conceived the first of the many of her children, of course a brood of which I am so sure you are thinking I would know well. Storm's End was, she said, filled with such happy memories that I only remember it in two words. And when I asked, she replied, "The words are good life, it was a good life."'

-Maester Maekar, Chapter IV of the White Queen

W A R N I N G :

E X P L I C I T     S E X U A L 

E X P L I C I T     S E X U A L  C O N T E N T

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W E E K S    L A T E R

S T O R M' S     E N D

LEILA LANNISTER HAD NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD BE COMPLETELY FREE FROM ANY OBLIGATION OF ANY SORT IN HER ENTIRE LIFE. Leila Lannister from the moment of her conception had known that her father expected each and every one of his own blood to know what their duties were and perform them with such efficiency that people would never forget they did that.

Oberyn managed to break down her walls and provide her with what beauty life had in truth but Leila knew marrying Rhaegar meant constraining her freedom with the walls she had before, for she was to be queen one day. She thought she would never have her freedom ever again. But Robert Baratheon had proved her wrong.

Leila laughed as she felt the leaves of the trees brush against her face, the sound of hunting horns blew so loudly that they could probably hear them all the way from the castle. Leila loved the sudden magnification of all the sounds around her as she rode hard and fast, trying to find the hare.

The sound of the horses and their loud thumping through the grasslands and mud, the sound of loud signal horns blowing in the air, the many leaves on the trees hitting her in the face as she rode hard trying to beat the men, the loud egotistical smell of confidence and strength from the men following her and most importantly, the magnification of freedom.

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