Chapter IX

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Act II of Devotion: Endurance

Chapter IX: Darkness Lies Ahead

'The white queen recalled the faithful day she and her husband came to Summerhall. She stated that she thought this was the reason of her husband's melancholy and she thought she could help him through it by making him happy. Of course, she did make him happy. Leila Lannister had been the one he knew he needed in his life to carry those burdens with him and alas he was right. The royal couple's trip had been cut short by troubles at court at the Defiance of Duskendale and in this, Leila Lannister would do all she could to help her husband and support him. Especially at such a time where darkness was clouding their joy.'

- Maester Maekar, Chapter IV of The White Queen


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THEY LEFT STORM'S END A FEW DAYS BEFORE AND LEILA WAS CERTAINLY SURE THAT THEY WERE ON THEIR WAY TO SUMMERHALL AT THIS POINT.  Robert and his siblings were adamant to see the royal couple leave them all so soon as they enjoyed having their cousin and his wife over for a visit. Rhaegar apologized to his cousin for leaving so soon but he only had a few weeks left before he returns back to his work in the capital and as he had already sworn to visit his aunt queen Taella in Nimerod and experience some of the country life with his wife who would adored the quiet life in the country rather than the cities, endlessly riding in the vast areas of land his cousins own in their strongholds. Leila would love that, endlessly frolicking through place to place on horseback with him trying to chase her. Admittedly, his wife was a better horse rider than he was.

He watched from his own silver mount as his wife was in a head to toe with Mors Manwoody, words he could not hear coming out of his wife's mouth as she threw her head back laughing at Mors' words. Rhaegar had felt more closer to Leila than he did now after they had consummated their marriage. For the past few days of travel through the Stormlands, they had not been able to take their eyes nor hands off one another. 

Rhaegar was happy about such thing, for this was not what his parents had in their marriage. It was something better than what his parents had. It was not just tolerating the presence of each other or dealing with the fact that they were stuck with one another for the rest of their lives. It was more than that now and whatever doubts they had of one another went out of the window the moment they joined as one.

"She is something, isn't she?" Jon Connington asked his friend, his copper hair handsomely dressed to the right side of his face as he sat on top of his own red stallion. 

The lord of Griffin's Roost looked to his friend as the prince continued to look at his lively wife. He was smiling. That is the most he had seen his friend truly happy. Besides seeing his mother and being with the very few people who knew him truly, including himself. Jon had never seen his friend smile like that in his entire life and he had known him the longest since they had been squires together in their boyish youth. And never had Rhaegar Targaryen look at anyone the way he looked at the woman who he had wedded.

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