Meeting with a maniac.

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Hey guys before we start, theres a few things I would like to mention. Firstoff this Story is based off of the older cartoons, and comics considering carnage has yet to have been mentioned in any live action movies. Secondly Yes, I am aware he's in many of the games but I prefer to stick the early showings of spiderman. Now that thats out of the way we can get started!)

You breathed heavily, turning down a nearby alleyway. You could hear some laughing maniacally. The sound echoed relentlessly in your ears. It was a sound you'd soon never forget. A red clawed hand slammed against the brick wall of the building stopping you in your tracks. "Hahahaha! Where are you going so soon, sweetheart?" You trembled. You could feel his hot breath against your face. Cold nipped at your damp cheeks. You swallowed. "Get away from me." Carnage only leaned closer, letting out a giggle. "Oh? What you don't like your friendly neighborhood carnage? TO BAD, SO SAD. I'm gonna have fun, cutting up that pretty little face of yours." He raised his claw readying to bring it down. "NO!!!!" You screamed. Everything went black.

In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now