Do I love him?

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He was gone often.

Which usually left you alot of time to think and ponder.

How long had you known him?

A couple of weeks perhaps? (You really didn't have much Idea of how long you'd been there really, not that you had a phone to check the date with.)

you sighed softly flopping down on the bed, just a bit disappointed in your lack of better judgement.

You'd barely known him and yet you'd fallen so easily.


You didn't know and that's what frightened you.

He was a serial killer yes, but there was just something in him that must still be good.

you knew you couldn't just change someone just like that but...

you couldn't bring yourself to just leave him.

you loved him.

"Why the long face, doll?"

You smiled at him.

"Hello...I didn't hear you come in."

You mumbled leaning up and kissing him.

"Hey Cletus?"

He looked at you smiling.

"Yes, kitten?"

"How old are you?"

Cletus seemed taken aback by the question before chuckling.

"Thirty-six...why, dollface?"

You squeaked softly.

He sure as hell didn't have the body of anyone over twenty five.

"J-Just wondering...I just kind of wanted to know more about you, I guess..."

Cletus smiled, wrapping an arm around you.

"And you?"

You leaned into him.

"You mean how old am I? I'm y/a, I was born in b/y on b/m..."

Cletus nuzzled your neck.

"So your a lot younger than me, eh?"

You nodded sheepishly.

"So I guess you wouldn't mind me calling you baby girl, then?"

"N-No not really.."


He pecked your lips again.

"What about your favorite color?"

"Red of course...duh, woman."

you rolled your eyes.

"I just wanted to know..."

He was smirking again, and you wanted to wipe it off so badly but it was merely another reason you loved him.

He could get under your skin so easily.

He took your chin in his hand.

"Are you being sassy with me now, baby girl?"

You gave him your big, innocent puppy dog eyes.

"No, sir."

He nodded and he laid back, resting his head on your lap.

you hummed softly in content, running your fingers through his fiery red hair.


Cletus didn't even try to open his eyes, far to content.


his hair was soft between your fingers.

"Is your hair naturally this red?"

Cletus nodded softly.

"Yes...My grandfather was a full-blooded scot."

"I see...So your Scottish then?"


"Well that explains why you can be so hot-headed."

"Don't make me punish you, woman."

You giggled and stuck your tongue out at him.

"Don't threaten me with a good time, old man."

Cletus gasped in mock hurt.

"I am so not old, thank you very much."

"pttth...four more years, and your knocking on forty bub..."

"Why you little..."

you squealed loudly when Cletus started to tickle you relentlessly.


You could barely speak, through your laughter.

"I-I'm sorry! your still young even though your almost forty and t-that makes no sense!"

Cletus pulled you into a hug.

"And your 2 inches away from legally being a midget..."


In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now