I'm sorry...

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You shuddered hearing the familiar voice behind you.


"You should have come home sooner, eh?"

Carnage hummed gleefully, dropping to the ground and turning back to Cletus kasady before angrily grabbing your arm.


Cletus started to growl angrily.

"You thought you could just up and leave me?!!!"

You quickly grabbed his hand.

"N-No Cletus, that's not what I-"

"You were just toying with me the whole time....?! Waiting for me to trust you so you could escape!!!?"

He shook you roughly.

"No Cletus! That's not what I was doing!"

Cletus scoffed.

"Oh really?!! And what were you doing then, sweetheart?!"

You sighed and stepped closer.


You hesitated a moment.

"I just wanted to see my friends again...my family. They were all so worried about me and I wanted them to know I was okay...Please Cletus, I just didn't want them to worry about me anymore! Please...I would never leave you..."

You felt your cheeks start to get hot and wet and before you could stop yourself you threw your arm's around Cletus's midsecton, sobbing softly into his chest.

"...I l-love you."

You whispered softly into his chest.

Cletus didn't say anything, he just stood there, wrapping his arm's around you and knestling his chin on top of your head before sighing.

"Then why'd you drug me, eh? That wasn't really necessary..."

Cletus mumbled grumpily.

You'd stopped sobbing by now and nuzzled his chest.

"I didn't want you to stop me from going or...follow me and possibly hurt my friends."

Cletus huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh please....I would never."

Cletus scoffed in mock offense.

You made a small 'hmph' noise, getting annoyed yourself.

"Oh please, we both know 100% you have a tendency to not give a flying fuck about who your killing."

Cletus gave you a dirty look.

"Excuse me? That is not true. If it were true, you wouldn't be alive, thank you very much."

"Oh so you didn't kill me? What am I supposed to do? Say thank's?"

You retorted, pulling away and crossing your arm's only for Cletus to pull you back.

"It would be appreciated."


Suddenly Cletus grabbed your wrist's pulling them behind you.

"Are you talking back to me?"

You winced visibly in pain, a soft hiss escaping through your lips.

"Hell yeah, I am."

Cletus narrowed his eyes.

"Oh really? Do I need to punish you, baby girl?"

Cletus growled lowly, tugging on your hair.

Suddenly a familiar voice broke through the night.


God fucking dammit.

In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now