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You gripped Peters shoulders, holding on tightly to your friend as the wind whipped through your hair.

Neither of you said anything as he slowly lowered you onto your balcony.

Peter cleared his throat.


You looked up at him.

"Are you sure that your okay?"

You nodded softly.

"What happened?"

You shook your head.

"It's not important..."

Peter didn't seem so convinced.

Even through his mask you could see the way his brows furrowed in concern.

"I'll come back and check on you later, okay?"

You sighed in defeat but accepted it.

Peter glanced at you and gave you a mere nod, then he was gone.

You turned opening the door on your balcony and stepping through into your living room.

You were exhausted and flopped down onto your sofa.

God everything hurt.

But you needed a shower.

Despite your body's protests you stood from the sofa and stalked to your room before grabbing some comfy clothes to change into before making your way into your bathroom.

You turned on the hot water before Unceremoniously stripping and stepping into the shower.

The hot water felt amazing to say the least. Especially after the night you'd had.

And of course like any other clichè shower scene in other storie's,
(Sorry to break the fourth wall.)

Thoughts collected in your mind.

Thats when the alarming thought came to you.

When Peter had rescued you he'd called your name.

Therefore insinuating to carnage that you and him either knew eachother or were connected some how.

You stepped out of the shower.

Well atleast it's not like he knew where you lived or anything....Right?

You had slipped on a purple tank top and athletic shorts to sleep in whilst, brushing and braiding your h/c colored hair down your back, before slipping into the silken sheets on your bed.

They felt like heaven.

You tossed and turned contemplating the nights events.

You thought back to when Peter had finished talking to the police and peter was preparing to take you home.

("You know y/n..." You glanced up from Peters shoulder as he swung from building to building.
"There's been something I've been meaning to tell you...except maybe nows not the time..." You rolled your eyes. What could he possibly need to say now?)

Flashback end

You kind of regretted not responding to Peter.

You rolled onto your side with a sigh.

Your eyes had just started to flutter shut when you heard it.


Your body came to a halt and went completley ridgid.

You were frozen and wanted to move but something in the back of your mind protested against it.

"Well I didn't think it would be this easy to find you after that fight you put up before. What a pity."

The voice sounded eerily familiar, with its low hiss forming around each word.

"Oh well, I guess we'll just have to have some fun then, hm~?"

Your body instinctively bolted forward but before your feet could even touch the floor, a clawed hand  smacked down against the back of your skull.

Maniacal laughter was the last thing echoeing in your head as your vision blurred into darkness.

In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now