What now?

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(More calmness and overall another relaxing somewhat romantic chapter. However theres also gonna be a surprise >.<)

When you woke, rain was falling against the window in steady streams.

A lovely sound that was quite welcoming to you, you wanted nothing more then to just lay here next to Cletus and relax into his embrace while the rain played it's delicate song outside your window.

You sighed softly in content, your hand running itself along the nape of Cletus's neck.

You turned away, rolling your body upwards into a sitting position, sliding off of the silken sheets and stretching in an attempt to wake yourself up a bit.

Swiftly you managed to pluck most of your clothes off of the ground, before calmly making your way to the bathroom, but not before sparing Cletus one last look.

Once you'd entered the bathroom, suddenly you had the most overwhelming urge to puke.

You immediately slid to your knee's before hurling all of the contents of your stomach into the toilet.

You stood back up, rinsing your mouth out in the sink.

Huh...That was odd.

You didn't have a fever, nor had you felt sick at any point during that time.

Brushing it off as your nerves or maybe eating something bad you stepped into the shower turning the water on hot.

You stood under the spray, letting it's warmth melt through you, making your nerves tingle.

The sound of fabric shifting is what made you open your eyes and glance behind you.

Cletus smiled warmly, stepping under the spray with you.

"Hello there, lovely..."

You smiled back, letting him wrap his arms around your mid-section before pressing a kiss to your damp neck.

It was then another possibility came to mind, making your eyes widen.


Cletus didn't even bother to pull away, making a soft noise in question.


You ran your fingers through his damp red locks.

"Do you think we could do some food shopping and maybe stop by the pharmacy?"

Cletus pulled away, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Sure but, why the pharmacy?"

"Ah...I've just been feeling a bit sick."

"Really? Why haven't you told me?"

"W-Well the thing is Cletus-"


"I've been getting sick but I haven't actually felt sick."

Cletus narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"What are you trying to say?"

You sighed before stepping out of the shower.


You grabbed a towel wrapping it around yourself before gently handing one to Cletus before getting dressed.

"Y/n...? what's wrong?"

You turned around to face Cletus who was still wearing nothing but a towel.

You gently leaned into him, causing him to wrap an arm around you.


"Cletus...I...I just don't know but I-"

"Shhh....just tell me whats wrong."

"Cletus...I think I might be pregnant."

Cletus stood there wide-eyed for a minute, not really registering what you had said.


In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now