I don't know

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 (so much fluffy-ness and romance.)

When you woke up it was still dark.

Your e/c colored eyes opened groggily, quickly running along the pale muscular form next to you.

He was quite lovely when he was asleep.

His dark red eyelashes were the complete opposite of his snow-white complexion.

You carefully sat up, the only light was the moon shining brightly through the glass balcony door's.

Your feet tentatively left the cover of the warm blanket's pressing against the cool floor.

You gazed at your fiery-haired lover on the bed, hesitating to leave his warmth.

But you stood, walking over to the door frame and spared him a final gaze before pulling the sheets tighter over your shoulder's.

With swift and gentle step's you made your way across the living room, before coming to a stop at the balcony door, twisting the door handle and pulling it open with a gentle tug.

The night breeze was pleasantly warm, blowing through your uncombed hair.

Million's of star's dotted the sky, making you smile warmly and gaze longingly at them.

'If only I could be there for everyone I care about.'

You thought, with a soft breath escaping past your lips.

"I wish I could make everyone happy."

you whispered softly, unsure of where to go next.

"That's impossible."

A calm voice replied.

You turned around in surprise.


Cletus was leaning against the door frame watching you with a gentle gaze. 

 He glanced up at the sky, before his eyes landed back upon you.

He shuffled towards you, barely brushing his finger's against your chin.

His finger's eventually closed around it, taking care to run his finger's against the undersides of your jawline.


He leaned forward his lip's just barely caressing your's, but he hesitated to press his fully against your's.

Cletus's eye's were like a forest, and you were the one lost inside of it.

You knew you were doomed from that moment forward.

And as if sensing your thought's, he willingly doomed you further.

"It's funny..."

"What is?"

"I always used to hate the star's..."


You asked curiously.

"It's just...they always used to make me feel so small and pathetic...But looking at them here, with you-"

He leaned forward and gently kissed your lips.

"-made me realize that you are my world, now..."

He whispered, simply cupping your face in his hands and leaning against you.

You didn't say anything.

You didn't need to.

"I love you..."

Cletus mumbled into your hair, running his finger's through it with care.

"My star's..."

He whispered.

you allowed yourself to close your eyes, leaning into him now, feeling warmth surge through your heart.

"That's not fair..."

You whispered against his shoulder.

"What's not fair?"

You pressed your cheek against his skin.

"I don't have anything to call you..."

"You'll have something to call me someday..."

You shook your head, smiling.

"Like what?"

"Your husband."

In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now