Mary Jane!

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Your feet made Comforting clicking sounds as they hit the ground, and your hand tightened on the leather jacket you'd grabbed as defense against the cool night air.

It was Cletus's and it was warm and cozy, giving off the familiar scent of Aqua velva aftershave.

You'd texted Mary that you were on your way to her apartment the moment you'd entered the city.

You'd had enough money for a cab, that had dropped you off on her street.

The familiar building rolled into view and you quickened your pace.

By the time you'd reached the building you were in a full out sprint, wanting as much time as possible to explain what happened, and not to mention having to talk Mary out of telling Peter what happened but just to let him know you were okay.

By the time you'd reached her apartment you were trembling with anticipation.

You raised your hand to the door to know but before you could it flew open.

Mary froze immediately the moment her eyes landed on you.


You nodded, giving her a guilty smile.

"Hey, May-May..."

The Red-headed girls arms flung themselves around you, and a loid gasp escaped your friend.

"Oh my god....oh my god your okay!"

You smiled into Mary's shoulder.

"Yeah.....I'm okay."

She immediately pulled away, her eyes widening in realisation.


"Mary, wait!"

The redhead froze in disbelief, her emerald eyes filled with confusion.

"What?! Why not???"

You shook your head again, stepping into your bestfriends apartment.

You flushed a bit before mumbling.

"It's a long story, Mary...So much has happened, but you can't tell Peter where I am but you can tell him I'm okay..."

Mary led you to her sofa and the two of you sat down.

"I can't stay very long but listen....I just wanted you guys to know that I'm okay, I escaped and I'm staying somewhere else for my own safety and yours."

You lied.

Mary furrowed her brows.

"What do you mean?"

You sighed.

"The erm....police are worried he might try to find me again so all of any information related to where I am, or what I'm doing.....I can't share it with you, I'm under protection."

Mary shook her head with a sigh before taking your hands.

"Can we atleast stay in touch with you? I want you to call or text me whenever you need to talk okay??? I and Peter have been worried sick."

She hugged you tightly.

"I thought I lost you Y/n."

You hugged back gently.

"I know....And I'm sorry I scared you like that Mary, I didn't want to but I atleast wanted to be able to explaim things in that you knew I was alive and unharmed."

Mary nodded smiling.

"I'm glad."

"Listen Mary, I need to get going."


You nodded.

"Yes I'm not supposed to be out and about yet."

Mary tilted her head.

"What do I tell Peter?"

You thought about it for a moment.

"What I just told you...I trust you Mary, just tell him I'm okay and I'll try to visit again soon, okay?"

You hugged eachother tightly and Mary kissed your cheek.

"Good luck, and be careful..."

Mary mumbled, watching you walk away, leaving her apartment.


If you ever wanted to see her again you had a feeling you'd need alot more sleeping pills.

"Did you enjoy spending time with your little friend away from me?"

In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now