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Peter Parkers POV:

(It's getting late...)

Peter thought to himself.

(Maybe I should go and check on Y/n...)

Peter landed quietly on a nearby building, careful to exert caution when sneaking into a deserted rooftop and changing out of his spiderman get up.

Once he was done, he climbed down a nearby wall into an alleyway before making his way into the street.

He was a mere block away from your apartment complex.

Something felt.....wrong.

Peter hastened into a jog, trying to make his way to your apartment as quickly as possible.

His sense were tingling, filling him with adrenaline.

What was going on?

He made it to your apartment in record time, before poundimg his fist against the door, somewhat in a panic.


He was met with silence.

He kicked the door open with ease.

Peter immediatley began to search your apartment, a horrible feeling writhing in his gut.

Where were you?

Petet wrenched the door open to your bedroom and froze.

There was glass everywhere.

It looked like fricken war zone.

Peter's eyes darted to the broken window in alarm.

"Oh my god..."

He felt like someone had punched him in the stomach.

"Who could've done this?"

Only one person knew you were friends or were connected to him at all.



Peter immediatley pulled out his cellphone, calling the police.

"Hello? 911? Yeah, I 'd like to report a missing person..."

Eventually Peter hung up, waiting quietly in your room.

He sat at the end of your bed with his head in his hands.

God this was all his fault.

He should of never told you he was spiderman.

If he hadn't you would still be safe, and he practically dragged you into all of this by telling you.

Peters thoughts were scattered by the sound of a phone ringing.

Except it was not his own.

Peter glanced around curiously until the source of noise was found.

Peter looked at the called ID.

It was MJ.

Peter took a deep breath before flipping it open.

"Hey Mj..."

"What? Peter? Why do you have Y/n's phone? Where is she I need to ask her something."

Peter released his breath slowly.

"Mj, Y/n's been kidnapped."

Peter heard a somewhat unlady like squawk on the other end of the phone.

"Ha-Ha very funny, now seriously..."

Peter stayed silent.

"Peter....your not kidding are you?"

Peter shook his head and squeezed his temples.

"No...unfortunately, no."

Mj went silent, cleary with disbelief.

"Oh my god Peter..."

In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now