10.| Free Fallin'...

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After the repair of the engines and the stabilising of the Helicarrier, Duncan looked around in triumph for a few seconds where he stood on the bridge

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After the repair of the engines and the stabilising of the Helicarrier, Duncan looked around in triumph for a few seconds where he stood on the bridge. However, his small victory shared with Tony and Steve was short-lived as he quickly remembered that the last he had seen Duffy, she was making her way towards the detention level in order to get to Loki before Clint did. He didn't know if she met any trouble, but judging by the amount of panic that was still coursing through the ship, it was safe to say that things hadn't gone well. His first priority was to make it to detention level and see if she was injured. But as he entered the spot, he found Coulson on the ground, blood pouring down fresh from a wound and staining his clothing.

" Mr Coulson," Duncan frowned as he made his way over and dropped down to the man's side, " what happened?"

"Well, in short," Coulson managed to say weakly, " I was stabbed from the back by the pumpkin king."

Leaning Coulson forward carefully, Duncan examined the wound as the man groaned in pain. The damage was fairly terrible and judging just by how pale Coulson was, he didn't have too long, but Duncan was certain that he could heal him. However, before he could even move his wand to get started, Fury arrived and looked to be in shock of the scene. He quickly made his way over to where they were on the floor, lowering himself to Coulson's eye level. It was the most emotion Duncan had come to witness on the Director's face since he and Duffy had shown up.

"Sorry, boss, " Coulson said to him, attempting to bear a slight grin, " they got rabbited."

"Just stay awake," Fury told him, a slight panic in his voice, " eyes on me!"

"No, I'm clocked out here."

"Not an option!" Fury replied sternly, looking at Duncan in slight desperation. There had to be something that the wizard could do to assist. And Duncan was more than willing to help if the two would stop having a heart to heart farewell.

"It's okay, boss," Coulson continued, "this was never going to work. If they didn't have something...to..."

Duncan had enough as his patience was running thing, fueled by the panic that he didn't see Duffy anywhere and the containment cell that had once held Loki prisoner was gone. It left him with a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he removed his wand and pointed it at the back of Coulson's neck and it appeared that Coulson had let out his last breath as his head turned away.

Fury looked devastated but Duncan carefully placed the body on the floor to continue the process as he ripped open the back of Coulson's jacket and shirt to expose the full length of the wound.

"He's not dead," he said to Fury, " I just needed to put him asleep, it makes the process go easier."

"He's...he's not dead?" Fury repeated. "But-"

"The wound is fairly bad, it cut through some major stuff but luckily, there have been Healing spells emerging over the years that can assist with this. He's barely holding on, so I just need some room and silence. But I need you to do something for me, I need you to find Duffy, I need to know where she is. If she's alright. Can you do that for me?"

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