15. | "Thud"

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Cautiously approaching Loki, it was incredibly difficult to take the God of Mischief seriously with a pumpkin on his head, however, with Duffy in charge it was no laughing matter. Due to Loki's actions, Abhaya and countless others had lost their lives in the ongoing attack on the city and that was not to be forgiven. She didn't care what problems plagued him from the time of his childhood up until his adulthood, it wasn't an excuse for what he did. There were people that weren't going home that night and people who had lost someone very near and dear to them. If it was up to her, Duffy would have requested Dementors be brought to the area and deliver the Dementor's Kiss right then and there. Unfortunately, the use of Dementors had been outlawed by all wizarding governments after the Second Wizarding War that took place overseas.

She stood before him, so desperately wanting to unleash the same kind of hell that the Hulk had unleashed on him earlier, but Duffy knew it wasn't going to do anything. Perhaps it would temporarily make her feel better, but it wasn't going to bring Abhaya back.

"Now correct me if I'm wrong since I'm merely guessing here, "Loki said through the grin of the pumpkin, " but I'm beginning to think you're upset with me."

Without saying anything, Duffy grabbed the back of her shirt and placed it in Collins' hand, a clear sign that he needed to hold her back or she was going to destroy the man in front of her. Only Collins didn't understand the task as it seemed all too foreign to him. If it had been Duncan, he would have moved Duffy to the other side of the room to take precautions. However, Collins was a fast-learner because as soon as Duffy kicked Loki in the face, breaking the pumpkin, he realised that he was supposed to hold her back. But the question was, should he? After all, didn't the "god" before them, deserve a royal ass kicking for what he had done?

After kicking Loki in the face, Duffy lowered herself to his eye level so that he looked directly at her, pumpkin seeds littered his hair and some of the slimier contents of the pumpkin flesh stuck to the sides of his face.

"You know, when I first met you, I gave you the benefit of the doubt, that maybe you could get your shit together and turn out to be a decent person. I understood that your childhood sucked, but I was hoping that you would see that it wasn't an excuse for things you were doing," Duffy began, " but that was my foolish mistake. Sometimes, I still like to see the good in people and in your case, I could still see some. Your so-called hatred was nothing more than jealousy, paired with your abandonment issues...I could get that, I once felt like that too. However, you crossed the line."

"Did I?" Loki questioned, not a look of remorse on his face as he stared at her blankly. She didn't know whether he was mocking her or willing her to continue, but either way, she continued.

"There's a difference between a leader and a ruler, leaders have willing followers and that's where they draw their strength from. Rulers draw it from fear and that's never stable to begin with. There are people dead because of you, one of them I knew personally and was very fond of. She was a leader, something you'll never be even in the wake of her death. You will be nothing and when all of this is over, you will still be nothing to the people around here. You'll be a story of defeat, a man with a head too big for his shoulders and someone who amounted to nothing. Congratulations."

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