17.| Hakuna Your Tatas

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When it was all over, Duffy just wanted to go home and eat a cheeseburger while binge-watch old seasons of America's Next Top Model and not get out of bed for a solid week

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When it was all over, Duffy just wanted to go home and eat a cheeseburger while binge-watch old seasons of America's Next Top Model and not get out of bed for a solid week. However, she had traded in her luxurious lifestyle for a completely different one as she had done something that even had her questioning her own sanity at the time. It was dangerous, highly illegal, and she was certain that if it was discovered that she would either be imprisoned or possibly sentenced to death for some aspect of treason against MACUSA. However, it was not Duffy's intention to turn her back on her people or put them in harm's way. In fact, she was hoping that her risky decision would pay off and work for the benefit of the wizarding community.

Turning her wand on the MACUSA president was an act of treason all on its own, but actually taking the opportunity to alter his memories, Duffy was playing with fire after dousing herself with gasoline. Samuel Quahog suspected that once everything was over that Duffy was supposed to go through with the plan of obliviating the team she had worked with. However, it was what Duncan had revealed through his skills that left her to change her mind. The Avengers weren't the only ones to be obliviated after the task, it was set that when the mission was over and Duffy returned that she would also be facing the same protocol as the others.

For some reason, the President didn't want one of his best Aurors to know what was taking place and while Duffy had her suspicions as to why Abhaya wasn't selected for the task she understood why. As Head Auror at the time, he wouldn't be able to get away with such a thing, Abhaya wouldn't have allowed it, but Mr Quahog made a mistake thinking he could get away with it with Duffy. She had to assume that's why Abhaya had placed her up for the task because she damn well knew that Duffy wasn't going to take bullshit from anyone.

So, she turned on the President, right in his office, under the noses of the guards that stood outside. Duncan called her troublesome for a reason and there was a reason that Duffy had to find her redemption among the Auror unit of MACUSA because she had made some mistakes in her life, that most would not be forgiving of. Her record of altering memories and adjusting the human mind was almost considered lethal because she could kill an entire person's being and reconstruct a new one.

She knew exactly how to cut and paste memories to her liking, making the president her personal puppet because she could get him to say exactly what she wanted.

She could make a student believe they had been studying all weekend when instead they had been blackout drunk for three days consecutively. There were memories of Thanksgiving and Christmases among families that people could recall even if they hadn't been in attendance. Duffy was considered dangerous, but it was someone like Duncan and someone like Abhaya that gave her a second chance in a way and showed her that she didn't have to live such a life.

There were mistakes made due to her carelessness and selfishness, but she wouldn't allow that to happen again.

Duffy didn't alter the minds of the innocent if she could help it, which was why she left Andrew untouched, never confessing that she was a witch to him. Sure, she could tell him and he had a bad reaction, she could simply wipe the slate clean and pretend it never happened, but she didn't want to do something like that.

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