23. Michael

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Gasping, you let your head fall back, allowing Michael to trail more sloppy yet gentle kisses along your neck.

You threaded your fingers in his silky faded green strands, hearing the faint hint of their new album playing in the background, and feeling your heart thump against both of your chests.

You drew back, looking deep into his light green eyes. You carassed his cheek, leaning forward to brush your lips against his nose slightly, then gently rubbing your nose to his.

"Hey babe, I've got a game we can play," he said, putting his face in the crook of your neck.

"What?" You asked.

"Let's play Titanic. You be iceberg, and I'll go down."


I laughed at this one. Sorry I haven't been updating like I used to, I've just been really busy. Blehh. But here I am now, and I feel you'll enjoy this one-_-

Adíos mís amigas:) (I think that's right...My spanish is....yeah not so...good..I only made it to Spanish2)




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*didn't proof-read*

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