Parteu 2

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You laugh "wait what?... if he's a psycho then he wouldn't be in our class because we study hard things"

You and your friend now sit down and chat whilst eating. Yf/n: "silly, he's a psycho in the sense that he is scary and everyone knows he is bad. Haven't you noticed he doesn't come lesson often, don't you know about the rumors of him, no one talks to him"

You listen to her carefully as you munch on your pizza. Now it seemed like you should worry as you felt like the target.

Your mouth filled with a large piece, you mumble "don't worry I will try to not talk to him... but it's not my fault he came to me" You finish the food in your mouth then continue wiping your mouth.

"you know what i don't even care I have other things to worry about"

She takes a chip sighing "uuuuh girl fine but don't say I didn't warn you"

You roll your eyes sighing heavily "whatever ..." you look around as if searching for him "but what if he just wants to be friends and no one is giving him a chance"

You drag your eyes back to make eye contact with your friend who gives you the Jungkook shook look "WHAT! So, you want to be the one to be friends with him, you don't even know how dangerous he is, or what he... WAIT what did he say to you in that room. Did he say anything!!!?" She drops the pizza back on the plate.

You think whether or not to tell her, well he didn't finish what he was gonna say so there's no point of telling her.

After the silence of you making it obvious that you're hiding something, you tell her "no he just came up to me until YOU BANGED OPEN THE DOOR an-"

She cuts you through "I DID THE RIGHT THING ... what if..." she starts thinking of the worse case scenarios, you could see it on her face.

You look away "I can handle myself ok! Nothing will happen to me" you flip your hair back "erm okay you know what forget this, let's go it's nearly time for our next lesson"

Your whole way back home you couldn't take your mind off trying to figure out about the whole picture, your thoughts landing on no man's land : who is he? maybe you can help him, but then something has triggered everyone to dislike him. Why did he do that? Maybe he saw you as his only hope, maybe because you were new. Uuuuuuuh you sigh in frustration.

Well you just j hoped that you won't have to meet him again... but the other side of you wanted to find out about him, it was the only way you could find out what's hidden behind that bitter smile, you were just so curious, but you admire his strict daring look.

The next few days you realized what your friend had mentioned to you about him was true, you don't see him at all. Your mind focuses on the empty chair across the room where is he?.

You look to the side to see your friend texting her boyfriend.
Y/n: "do u know anything else about him?"

She doesn't answer as she smiles tapping endlessly on the screen keyboard. You wait for a response but because she doesn't answer you hit her lightly.

Yf/n: "WHAT?"

Y/n: "as I already asked! Do you.. know anything ... else about him?"

She questions "who? ... wait you mean him?

You open your eyes wide and nod, like a puppy waiting patiently for her to give you a response you wanted. BUT NOOOooo.

Yf/n: "why you still thinking about him! Are you crazy! You must be kidding me. But ...". You roll your eyes gosh! And then suddenly look back at her excited ..

yf/n: "I know that he has one friend"
You rest your head on your arms folded on the table hmm interesting you thought I wonder if I can make use of this.

Y/n: "what does he look like? where am I gonna find him?"
she describes him as tall and handsome... of course just like him.
Yf/n: "I've only seen him with the weirdo" she sighs.

After you finish your lesson your mind curiously attempts to think of possibilities to find him... but then you start feeling like the creep like why were you after him so desperately, besides you were warned by your friend. You were seriously puzzled!

Your friend spoke to you, but you were too deep into your music so, you couldn't hear her. By the time you were gonna ask her, she had already disappeared somewhere probably off to her next lesson.

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