Parteu 20

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Suga stands up and starts reenacting continuing with the day that changed his life. "I was walking late night angry about nearly everything as usual, and then a random person rushes past me, bumping into me and he shouted at me. I tried to contain my anger"

you could just imagine him looking deathly at the stranger, with his blood boiling. He pushed me "WHAT HAPPENED HUH ... got nothing to say cuz u know you wrong!"

He pointed at me evilly, it just generated anger in me you watch him carefully and understandingly as he makes hand gestures of like a volcano erupting, as well as imputing a pppuuuugggghhhhh sound🔥

He continues to tell you "I got angry and pushed him so ruthlessly that he scrapes falling on the ground. The stranger gets back up rubbing his hands together smiling lightly. I still remember it clearly.

He walks towards me then tells me 'I knew you still had it, here take this and call if u really need... you know ..' you look at him wide mouth opened with widened eyes in curiosity "he gestures to me money then walks away giving me a note. It's like he just knew ... I looked at the note that gave me a new life."

He sits down next to you again and childishly and excitedly continues as if forgetting the current situation and recalling the best life turn over. You don't say a single word but watch his every movement.

He carries on "called them but they cut the phone not saying a single word. First I thought this is a trick... until they messaged me straight after, giving the location. I fight ... i .. well... kill. I know I've told you already but saying it this clearly it's tougher, doing it is tougher than who I am.

I know it's bad what I do, and you probably hate me for that. But honestly I want to change I really do... but what's better"

You flip back pages to his chapters on his mum and feel what he probably doesn't expect, sorrow, sympathy and sadness.

You sit up properly to hold his face in your palm.. his eyes glimmer even in the darkness "listen Suga you are honest, I know who you really are and I won't give up on you I'll change you"

Those words hit him so hard, his eyes fill with tears, he pulls you in for a hug and behind your back sobs pouring his blood shame down. You hold him tight wrapping your arms around him, giving him your all.

You can't help but cry as well feeling broken with him, joining his bubble of low life. He tells you "don't let go please.... I can't..." you tap his back "Suuugaa I ... won't"

he tells you wiping his tears away behind your back, speaking calmly "you're all that I have... can you still do me the favor.... I think it will still work" then sighs heavily.

You can see him even when you can't, its painful. He positions his face more sideways, breathing on your neck. You swiftly run your hands through his hair "yah! Don't cry!

Don't fall. I'll do whatever you want me to" he embraces you even more squinting his eyes tight. "Aaaaaaah y/n I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry you have to deal with me, I'm not a good guy"

You rub his back "hey don't say that. I love you for who you are even if that means you're bad... that reminds me ... do you want to know what nf/n told me" he sits back with you getting the indication to let go.

He rolls his eyes "go on...." You tell him everything as he walks from one side to the other. He swears "THAT JAMLESS CREATURE!" As he kicks the wall.

He tells you jumping to another topic "you need to go back and try not to make anything look suspicious because for sure she'll catch you because she's sly" your eyes widen trying to catch up with him. "Ok I will"

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