Parteu 7

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whilst you rested your head gently on Suga's arm, you didn't notice their cheeky act. Suga slyly tells Jin to take a pic of you two like that, you were totally wiped out and unknown to their doing.

Finally the food arrived... the smell wakes you up from your small mode of peace. And whilst you were moving.

You noticed Jin slide a phone back to Suga.. you were curious but didn't ask, something was surely fishy but soon your mind was more focused on the food. Jin excitedly rubs his hands and gets digging in his food.

You were hungry too, you couldn't help but eat in a rush but, you end up slowing down towards the end.

You fall sitting back "waaaaaaaaaaaah so tasty.... thank u!!!!! Gosh! I eat so much" you laugh

Suga laughs at your reaction too with his mouth full chewing his food "come on finish it... you've got just a little bit left"

You complain "no, no more. I think that's enough"

Jin continuously eating and paying minor attention to you says "yeah go on".

They were also nearly done.

Y/n: "maybe in a bit".

They were done after a bit and you still didn't catch up.

Suga forces you "even I'm done now" he sighs heavily and takes the spoon lifts a mouthful and tells you "come on eat" he looks at you sharply.

Jin who finished too, watches carefully as if he didn't want to miss his favorite show or something.

You didn't move from your position of sitting back comfortably, trying not to bother anyone.

You look eagerly at Suga, who smiles at you widening his eyes like an angel.

You moan "nooooo". You look at the spoonful then look daring at his sharp eyes.

he comes closer and you are left with no other option but to eat. He tells you "see that's wasn't so hard was it!" He shakes his head.

He was getting ready to feed you the next piece when you deny and say "ok ok I'll do it myself" you blush at his action of making you eat.

Jin adds on "FINALLY!" As you finish.

You three wash your hands and come back to sit down again. It was warm and nice felt good.

Even though Suga tries not to sound news breaking, he looks at you that way, which gave you a clear indication what's gonna happen now. Sitting opposite you still is Jin.

Suga rests his chin on his hands intertwined, with his elbows placed on the table.

he looks directly at you ready to hear what you had to say as he sits next to you.

Suga twists his body to face you "so, you know what I'm gonna say"

You remember exactly, of course not able to run away so many times from it. "tell me first"

He sighs, whispering ish to Jin "knew she wouldn't do it"

you felt bad seeing him upset "ok fine I'll do it" why did u feel like you were hypnotized so easily and what have u fallen into, you thought.

You tell him regretfully "I have many of my own worries too you know"

Suga smiles, which looked like to you as if he didn't care, but he does. "I'm sure you do". He continues "it's about time for you to hear the favor! you probably owe me by now after making me run after you several times"

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