Chapter 2

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CrowKit hated being groomed but let it pass."Now, it's a clan meeting, let's go!" CrowKit stood proudly as she stepped up with RobinKit."With the power of Starclan, SilverStrike, FlowerBlossom, step up!" AshenStar finished the saying."RobinPaw, your mentor is now, SilverStrike. CrowPaw, your mentor is FlowerBlossom."AshenStar leaped down from High-Tree-An oak tree burnt down like a rock-To touch noses with CrowPaw and RobinPaw. "Clan dissmissed!" CrowPaw's eyes twinkled. FlowerBlossom looked at CrowPaw.-FlowerBlossom was a gray she-cat with white stripes, black ar tufts and a white spotted eye,-"Training in the morning!"Her mentor mewed. CrowPaw nodded. RobinPaw came up to her."Lets eat before we rest,"She suggested.CrowPaw nodded awkardly. Sorry! She thought embarrasly. CrowPaw was dreaming still. Being an amazing warrior, having a great mate, kits! Oh-being leader! She didn't listen to her surroundings by accident. RobinPaw dropped a starling at CrowPaws paws. RobinPaw chose a mouse for herself."Thanks,"CrowPaw mumbled, her mouth full. RobinPaw flicked her tail in welcome."No problem, CrowPaw." CrowPaw stetched after her meal. The tired apprentice drowsily collapsed in her nest, in the apprentice den. Drifting into a dream. She was wandering a place she'd really, never heard of, or been in. Cherry trees blossomed. It was a forest of the pink trees. The sky was a mint blue, glimmering with love. No violence or anger. CrowPaw, now relaxed and calmed, padded into the cherry trees. No voices echoed, and no tension crackled like lightning. CrowPaw sneezed when a pink leaf fell on her nose."Achoo!" She sniffled and jumped onto a light, gray boulder that laid under a cherry tree."Hello." CrowPaw twisted around. A faded, white starlined she-cat sparkled in front of her. She had black speckles all over her. Straight away, CrowPaw knew it was a StarClan spirit."Hello!" She squeaked. The spirit chuckled gently,"Hello, little one. My name is MoonPelt. I come here to relax. StarClan must've sent you here for some relaxation?" MoonPelt guessed softly. CrowPaw's sadness and tension came back. LilyTail was upset with her sometimes because she looked like her dead father. CrowPaw hated it and wished her father was alive, or she didn't look like him."Yes,"CrowPaw admitted, upset. MoonPelt slipped near CrowPaw, and wrapped her cozy tail around her,"It's alright,"She reassured calmly,"I'm a StarClan cat! I know what bothers you. Your father was a great warrior, I assure you. He'd be very proud of the Crow, who cried at Dawn.                                                  

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