Prøm Nîght Båbïês

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Dan heaved heavily as me and Phil rushed him to the nearest hospital; MaKayDee hospital was the closest to the dance but Dan could barely move when we were in the van and the hospital was still a couple hours away. I tossed Phil his keys so he could start the car. I was seated in back with Dan. We had put all the seats down so Dan could lay on his back. Luckily Phil had prepared for the occasion so Dan had blankets and pillows to lay on. Phil finally got the van to start, he shifted the gears and quickly zoomed off to the hospital.

Dan shook heavily as his contractions were getting closer. Even with the blankets Dan seemed very uncomfortable. Lending my hand Dan grasped it and squeezed; hard. My hand turned white with the pressure, but I couldn't care less. Dan breathed the way that doctors would teach you in birthing classes, but Dan was in deeply subdued in pain.

"Fuck! This shit isn't working!" Dan practically screamed as he tensed up from another contraction. I frantically looked around for anything that could make it easier for Dan; however, nothing was found in the van. Looking down at Dan made my stomach twist in a knot. His pain made his tears start falling on his shirt. His cheeks were flooded and in his eyes came more.

"Dan, what would make you feel better right now?" Dan sat up on his elbows and gulped in air like milk.

"I don't bloody know!" Dan's words were quickly followed by harsh screams. Phil hadn't stopped driving frantically on the highway to the hospital, but his calmness for the situation was unnerving. I then noticed that Dan still had his pants on. It was probably tight around the babies, and therefore making Dan really uncomfortable. I let go of Dan's hand and quickly grab a light pink blanket and toss it next to Dan.

"Dan, we need to get your pants off." Dan looked at me stangley but started to explain it to him calmly.

"The tight pants are more than likely hurting your babes. Therfore hurting you extremely." Dan nodded with tears still in his eyes from the pain. I quickly  unbuttoned his pants and the cover his with the blanket before taking the rest off. I tossed his pants to the side and returned to my original position. Dan was breathing less heavily. Dan licked his lips, indicating that he was thirsty. I grabbed my water bottle from the front seat and help Dan drink some. Dan seemed more at ease; which made me feel better.

"Jack," I hummed in reply. Dan smiled and grasped my hand again.

"I want you to be the godfather to my children." I smiled at Dan and gripped his hand gently.

"That would be my greatest honor Dan." Dan smiled but then began to cough harshly. I quickly laid a hand on his forehead, he was burning hot. I quickly ripped my shirt and drenched it in my water then laid it over Dan's head.

Dan seemed in less pain but was still in agony. I was worried for him as we arrived to the hospital. Dan could barely move in his state so I sent Phil to grab a nurse and being her outside. I continued to help Dan breathe correctly and hold his hand as his contractions continued to time closer together. Dan and I noticed Phil's arrival with two nurses and a doctor when the back doors to the van opened. The doctor was dressed in full body scrubs and a face mask, as were the nurses. The two nurses were carrying three full cases of medical tools (I could guess), two yellow blankets and two full scrub outfits for me and Phil.

"You two, put these one." The doctor demanded. Me and Phil quickly changed into the scrubs and then returned to Dan's side. The doctor lifted the light blanket I had put over Dan and began to inspect Dan's condition. The two nurses began to set up the tools at the doctors sides as the doctor put a heart monitor on Dan. One of the cases turned out to be a mobile monitor, tracking Dan's rapid heartbeat.

"Okay Dan, I need you to push on your next contraction." The doctor kept pace with Dan as his contraptions became more violent. Dan's screams echo off the van and through the parking lot. As Dan's contraptions got worse people began to crowd to watch. The nurses had to set guidelines for the crowd. The curious bunch always lead forward or stood on their toes to get a better brow of what was going on. Some were recording the whole thing in their phones. But no one could do anything as the doctor poke his head out of Dan's blanket.

"I see a head." The crowd started to cheer Dan on as he pushed again. By now his screams had died down into loud cries of pain. I grinned down at Dan and looked across to see Phil with pride written on his face.

"You're doing great baby. Just keep pushing and our miracles will be here with us." Phil kissed Dan's knuckles to give him some comfort, which helped motivated Dan to give one big push. Dan gritted his teeth, but the crowd awed at him and Phil. The doctor poked his head out of the blanket again.

"Dan, I need you to give me one more big push." Dan nodded, his body heaved and his back arched as he pushed with great strength. With a loud cry Dan stopped pushing and started to breathe in as much air as he could. There was a tiny snipping sound and another loud child like cry echoed through the air. But it didn't come from Dan. Phil darted over to the doctor and began to help the nurse wrap the tiny bundle into a blanket.

"Its a girl." The doctor announced. Dan looked up at Phil holding a little blanket and smiled with the rest of his strength.

"I've got a baby girl." Dan started crying, though most were happy proud tears that in all of creation, he had created life. I looked over and a few of my own tears mixed in with most of the crowd. Pictures were being taken and video was still going. But in that one moment the world had froze in awe of the little joy the two same sex parents had created. Everything was perfect.

It was sudden, but the process of birth had started once again. Dan grabbed his stomach in pain and jolted to a sitting position. He gritted his teeth as he clutched to my hand tightly. Phil and the the nurse rushed the first child into the hospital to be cleaned and warmed from the cold night wind. I looked down at Dan who looked paler than the fun moon on a clear night. All his strength was now go has on the last baby, and it was dispersing quickly.

Dan gave a tiny push but stopped in pain as his baby was coming fast. I tried to guide his breathing, however, Dan couldn't look straight let alone pay attention to his breathe.

"Okay Dan, their head is beginning to crown. You need to push, hard." Dan took a moment to conceal more air before heaving his body to push out his little miracle. Dan let out another one is many screams as the head crowned.

"Dan it'll be okay." I soothed.

"The head is the worst part. You're almost done." Dan nodded trying to focus on anything but the pain, how ever much it controlled his body. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he waited for the doctors instruction. The doctor stayed under the blanket, studying what to do next.

"Okay Dan," the doctor said under the blanket. "I just need one more push, a big one, and once the shoulders peak out I can take them out."

Dan closed his eyes before giving his all into a push. His helpless whimpers intensified but to no use. Dan had no more energy that could be used. Dan looked like a mess. Sweat beaded down his forehead and face, his shin was boiling hot, most of his hair was in clumps pointing in all different directions.

Thinkung, I was trying to remember if there was any soothing techniques that I learned from the birthing classes I've taken so far. I looked down to Dan's swollen hips. A light bulb popped over my head as I turned to lean over Dan's torso. Positioning my pointer and middle finger on Dan's hip bones I began to run them in a circular motion. This move was helping Dan to calm down enough to make another push. I rubbed gently hoping that I wasn't doing any harmful gestures to Dan. However, he began to push as my fingers flexed into his skin. Its was the final moment that the doctors and the crowd has waited for. The snipping sound.... Then silence. The crowd stood and watched as the doctors covered the miracle into the yellow blanket. I smiled as the tiny blanket began to hiccup in place and a faint crying rocking in the doctors arms. The crowd cheered as the doctors announce the final gender of Dan and Phil's twins.

"It's a boy."

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