Chapter 2

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Hook and Emma arrived at the loft to find Mary Margaret, David, Henry, Belle, Rumple, and Regina.

The glares between Regina and Emma differed. One said you ruined my happiness, another said I'm sorry.

Regina turned and looked away.

"Emma, I know we just got out of a problem but we have a another one" David said.

"Why?What happened?" Emma asks.

"Regina saw someone come out of the barn...she says the person goes by Elsa"

"What were you doing by the barns?" Hook asks.

"I went out to think after your little girlfriend angered me" she snapped.

Hook looked at Emma who was now with a sad expression on her face.

"Wait. Elsa? As in ice powers Elsa?" Emma asks as her face enlightens.

"Yes, how did you know?" Rumple asks.

"Henry and I watched Frozen while we were in New York. Elsa was the main character." Emma explains.

"It was a good movie" Henry says biting down on a sandwich.

"Well I'm afraid she's less good here" Rumple says.

"Any idea what she wants?" Regina asks.

"I believe revenge for entrapping her in that vase. Her power contains beauty but if she can't control it, it's dangerous. I put her in that vase because even I couldn't handle her, she's going to be a tough fight." Rumple explains.

"We'll spread out and look for her, each group will have magic, and a fighter. Emma you go with Hook"

Hook looks over at Emma and winks with a smile.

"I'll go with Regina, Belle go with Gold. Mary Margaret you stay here with Henry and the baby" David finishes.

They left the loft. They spread out in different parts of the town.Emma and Hook took the area around Zelena's barn house. David and Regina took the left side of the forest, Rumple and Belle took the right.


Hook and Emma started walking to the barn.

"What the hell?" Emma asks as the soft grass had turned into snow.

"I think she's near" She said and they started trudging in the snow.

"Swan, Regina called you my girlfriend." Hook started.

"So?" she asked.

"So does that mean that I'm your, boyfriend?"

"Hook I...don't know. I've been building my wall up for years, I don't exactly know what to do in a relationship, plus with everything going on with Regina I don't think it's the best time to start on that sord of thing" Emma said letting the visible breath leave her mouth as the degrees dropped with every step they took closer to the barn.

"I understand, but, this morning, you kissed me I thought that-"

"I kissed you because I wanted to, I'm just not ready to you know commit" she said.

"Emma-" she cut him off.

"Look, I see someone" Emma whispered and hid behind the tank of water Hook almost drowned in. She pulled him down next to her.

They saw a young woman with a long blue dress decorated with ice crystals. She had a blond braided hair. She walked into the barn.

"That's her" Emma whispered.

"How do you know?" Hook asked whispering into her ear. His warm breath on her skin sent shivers down her spine. They were so close that if she turned her head around they could kiss.

"Because that how she looked in the movie." Emma said.

"Movie?" Hook asked.

"Forget it. That's her" she said determined.

"Alright now that we know her location, let's head back to the loft." Hook said.

They stood up and quietly walked back into the warm town. They stopped at Granny's for a drink.

They walked inside Granny's and sat in a booth.

They sat across from each other, not for long because Hook slid out of his seat and sat next to her.

"What are you doing?" Emma asked surprised.

"I need to speak with you." He said.

"You could of done that from across." Emma said as they're coffees came.

"Do you want to be with me?" He blurted out.

"Hook I..."

"Do you want to be with me?" He repeated.

"Yes, but..."

"Then what's the problem?" He asked.

"I already told you." She said taking a sip from her coffee.

"I don't care if you mess up along the way, I'll still be here. And as for Regina, you don't have to let that get in the way of us." Hook said.

"Killian..." she got cut off by her phone buzzing. "Do you have to bring that bloody thing everywhere" Hook complained. She smiled at the comment.

"Emma where are you, were all here except you guys?" David said over the phone.

"We found her and it was cold so we stopped at Granny's to get some coffee to warm up." Emma spoke into the phone.

"We're on our way, see you" Emma said and hung up. She swallowed the rest of the coffee, Hook did the same.

Hook stood up and so did she he was about to head out the front door but Emma went to the back. Hook followed.

"Why are you coming back here?" He asked.

"We've walked enough for today, I'm taking the car...and I also came back here for this" she said. Hook was about to say something but got cut off by Emma's lips.

She tugged at his collar kissing him hard. He was pinned against the wall, not for long because he turned her around so now she was pressed against the wall and he took control of the kiss.

A few seconds after, they stopped. Both breathless after the passionate yet sweet kiss.

"Damn captain" Emma whispered into his lips as she rested her forehead on his, still pulling at his coat.

"Damn Swan" He mocked.

"So are we..." He asked, their faces still close.

"Yes." She said with a smile and quickly pecked his lips.

He stepped back so she could walk in front. The went out the back to where the yellow bug was parked and got in the car.

They drove back to the loft.

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