Chapter 5

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After Gold and Charming decided they needed a strand of Elsa's hair they went to Zelena's barn house to try and get it from her.

"I don't think this is a good idea, maybe we should of brought more people with us" Charming said as they came close to the barn. His hand on the hilt of his sword, ready for an attack.

"And here I thought you were Prince Charming, the courageous man who wouldn't let anything stand in the way of his family's protection" Gold said back.

"This woman. This Elsa, why were you afraid of her?" Charming asked changing the subject.

Gold sighed "let's just say, I tried to help her with her powers, but it didn't take"

Charming looked at him, it's like he was connected to Elsa in some way, like he felt sad talking about her.

"There" Gold pointed inside the barn.

"Ready?" Charming asked as he slowly swung out his sword.

"Yes, but, let's walk in slowly, we don't want to startle her" Gold said.

"Alright" Charming sighed.

They slowly walked into the barn.

Once they were inside they saw her, her back was facing them.

"Elsa" Gold called out.

She turned around, fear in her eyes.

"Stay away!" She yelled "I don't want to hurt you, but if you don't leave, you give me no choice!"

"You don't remember me?" Gold asked as Charming stood behind him listening to the conversation.

"Of course I do" she snapped, "Rumplestiltskin, the man I came to for help, and you trapped me. You took me away from my sister, from Anna" she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Elsa" Gold stepped a bit closer "I tried to help you" he continued. He was now right in front of her, "but you couldn't learn."

"You didn't teach me, you forced me to control my powers, there's quite the difference" she said looking at him in disgust.

"Elsa..." Gold whispered. He slowly reached his hand out, then quickly snapped a strand of hair from the end of her braid.

"What did you just do?" Elsa asked raising her hand ready to blast him.

"Nothing dearie. You did this to yourself" he smirked and disappeared in a cloud of smoke along with Charming.

They appeared back in his shop.

Gold quickly placed the strand in a small glass container.

"There you have it, now what?" Charming asked.

"We trap her" Gold answered.


After watching Peter Pan. Emma and Hook and decided to pay a visit to baby Neal and Henry.

"Hey mom" Henry greeted as Emma wrapped him in a hug, "Hey kid" she smiled.

"Hey Killian" Henry smiled at Hook who was standing beside Emma.

"Hello lad" Hook smiled back.

"Emma, what brings you by?" Snow asked as she walked down stairs from her room with Neal in her arms.

"I wanted to see you guys" Emma smiled, "how are you guys?" she asked.

"Emma can I have a word with you?" Snow asked.

Emma looked over at Hook and followed her mother to her room up stairs.

Snow sat on the bed "spill it" she said,

"What?" Emma asked in confusion.

"You obviously need to talk, I know you" she said with a smile.

Emma sighed and sat next to her on the edge of the bed.

"So I'm guessing your aware that Hook and I are...we're...we have a thing" she said.

"Of course I'm aware, your not exactly settle" she let out a little laugh.

"Well,, him, but, I don't know it's just with everything that happened with Regina and Robin I don't feel like it's a good time to start this..."

"Emma, you two obviously have feelings for each other, it's time you do something about it. Regina and Robin will work things out eventually" Snow said looking into her daughters eyes.

"You think?" Emma asked,

"Robin belongs with Regina, trust me they'll work it out" she smiled.

"" Emma said with a little trouble saying the last three letters.

Snow smiled, "now go, your boyfriend's waiting for you". Emma shot her a 'really?' look.

They both walked back downstairs.

Emma walked over to Hook's side, "Come on, let's go" she smiled.

"We just got here" he said.

"I know, I just want to talk to you for a minute" Emma said and took his hand.

"Alright" he said and she took him outside.

"What did your mother want to talk about" he asked once they were outside.

"Me...and you" she said.

"Did you tell her about us?"

"She kind of already knew. The point is that I was having doubts, about us" she looked down.

"Why?" He asked stepping closer to her.

"Because of the Marian thing" she said barely over a whisper.

"I thought you had gotten over that"

"I didn't" she said quickly.

"I felt like it wasn't a good time to start a relationship when I ruined one" she said looking back up at his eyes for a second.

"And how do you feel now?" He asked softly.

"I feel's time for me to finally be with you" she said with a soft smile.

He smiled "Good"

She leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

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