Chapter 7

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David, Emma, Hook, Regina, Robin and Gold reached the outside of the barn.

"She's in there" Gold said.

"Remember, all of you go behind me, if she tries anything, we attack" he cleared.

They all nodded. Gold started walking into the barn calmly. They all followed quietly behind him. Regina and Robin beside each other with Charming in the center and Emma and Hook on the other side.

Emma was scared, this Elsa girl was quite powerful, and she's not the best at magic, all she is planning on using is her gun. She shook the thought away and concentrated.

"Elsa..." Gold called out.

Then an average height woman with a thin figure blond hair and a crystal blue dress came out, "Go! I don't want any of you here!" She shouted.

"We're not going to hurt you", Gold assured.

"Then why do you have so many people with you?" She asked.

"If you try anything, they're my backup" he simply responded

"Rumple, please leave. You know I can't control my powers. One of you could get seriously hurt." Elsa explained.

"We're not going to hurt you. We just want to talk" Rumple said calmly.

"Well" Elsa smiled, "I'm not talking" she stretched out her hand and blasted ice toward someone, that someone was Hook.

The ice hit him in the chest, he clutched his chest and groaned.

"Killian!" Emma shouted and rushed over to his side, "I'm fine" he said breathing heavily.

"No, your not" Emma said clutching on to his coat which he still hasn't changed. Emma looked at David,

"we can't do this now" she told him.

David nodded, "Gold, we gotta go" he shouted, "you guys can go, I need to talk to Elsa" Rumple said looking at Elsa.

Emma grabbed Hook's hand and shut her eyes tightly. She was going to transport them to the loft. She focused, she focused on Mary Margaret, and on Killian.

She opened her eyes and they were standing in the middle of Snow's living room.

"Oh my god, what happened" Mary Margaret said noticing the frost on Hook's vest.

"Elsa blasted him...I...I couldn't do anything" she stuttered.

Emma wrapped his arm around her shoulder and walked him over to the couch and sat him down.

"Is he okay?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I'm fine" Hook said "I'm just a bit cold" he finished.

Emma went to the kitchen and poured him a glass of water. She went back over to him as she handed him the water, "thanks love" he said taking a sip.

"You idiot, why didn't you step out of the way" Emma said running a hand through his hair.

"I didn't see her when she aimed" he let his head fall to rest on the back of the couch.

"Are you sure your okay? I don't think getting hit with ice on the chest is good" she said looking at the frost on his vest.

"Emma, I'm fine" he assured.

She sighed, "at least take this damn jacket off" she said and started slipping it off his shoulders.

Once the jacket was off Emma brought a blanket and wrapped it around him.

"I'm just glad your okay" Emma softly smiled and sat beside him on the couch.

He smiled back at her.

"Killian?" Emma's eyes shot open.

"What?" He looked confused, "what's wrong with your hair?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" he said.

"Your hair's, it's turning white" she said as her face froze in confusion.




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